Chapter 9: The Return Home

The next day, Rayla's team returns home as their drivers arrived to pick them up and take them to the airport. As Rayla is on the plane, sitting opposite Evan, she never made eye contact with him for the entire trip home, however in front of the team, she kept it sociable so that no tension was ever manifested in front of everyone. Evan made social conversations with the other team members during the flight to break the tension in the air. Rayla was quite the whole time. "Are you alright…" Her boss asked her softly in discretion from the others, as he sat next to her. "Yes boss, just… missing my family…" Rayla replied softly smiling behind a fake smile, as what she did the night before, the guilt was beginning to set in. "It was just a kiss…. Nothing more…." Rayla thought to herself, recalling the night before as she put her hand on her chin and lips, thinking in deep thought, recalling last night's events.

Recalling the event, the night before, the flash back in her mind was still fresh as if it just happened – the night before:

"… are you happy…" Evan asked her in a lustful husky tone of voice, looking into her eyes as he embraced her face, holding the door closed so she wouldn't leave. Smelling the alcohol from his breath mixed in with his cologne, she tried to subtly fight him off as she knew he was drunk, "Mr. Blade, you are drunk, please stop this nonsense…" Rayla responded professionally, when suddenly, he kissed her passionately. Rayla let out a gentle moan, as much as she wanted to resist, but this dangerous temptation felt good. Suddenly, she took a deep breath and pushed him away from her embrace. "I said stop!!" She grunted and pushed him to the floor.

Breathing heavily after their passionate kiss, she said: "Please….forget this ever happened….and I will not bring it up again at the office, I will consider this…. Purely…. A misunderstanding…." Rayla said looking at him in his pitiful state, as he sat there on the floor as she turned her back on him, "Oh… and please don't text or email me about this, because it is traced by the office and my personal number is monitored by my husband, so please, don't take this any further…." Rayla said sadly as she walked out, leaving him there in his pitiful state.

As Rayla walked back to her room, she saw the missed calls from her husband. When she looked at his messages, "pick up." It read bluntly from her husband, she burst into tears at what she had just allowed to be done to her. "I…. can't believe… another man kissed me…..." Rayla cried as she slides down the door in tears as the guilt set in. "I am sorry…." Rayla sobbed, sitting there with her hands on her face in sorrow.

Evan Blade on the other hand, drank his sorrows away at the rejection of a married woman, just sitting on the floor with his drink, overlooking the city view, with his shirt half open.

"I can't get her out of my mind…. I mean…. The woman… is beautiful…" he thought to himself as he sat there, drinking to himself in self-pity in this depressed state, knowing the fact that he was rejected by her.

Present day morning, Rayla called her husband on the phone that morning, "Brad, sorry I missed your calls, I forgot the phone last night in my hotel room, I got back late from the conference, I'll be home today, don't worry about picking me up, the company driver will bring me home today. Are you alright?" Rayla asked as she sat on her bed, drinking her coffee to wake her up. "Yeah, we are alright. I was worried, normally you answer your phone…." Brad said concerned. "Yeah…." Rayla responded simply, thinking of what happened the night before, touching her lips with her fingers. "Rayla?" Brad said on the phone, "Oh yeah, see you tonight when I come home. I love you…" She said and they both hang up. Suddenly, she gets a knock on the door, as she puts on some clothes from her closet, dressed professionally and her hair already done, she opens the door, and as she does, seeing the person she gets a pain in her stomach and her heart skipped a beat, "Evan…" Rayla said in an almost horrified tone of voice. "Mrs. Porter, mind if I come in…?" Evan said to her softly. Rayla swallowed a breath in hesitation for a moment, "I… will not do anything…. You have my word…" Evan said kindly as he looked at her, as he looked like he had a rough night. Rayla nodded softly as she let him in. "Thank you…" He said kindly and walked in.

He turned around to look at her, "I…. just wanted to apologize to you about last night… I… drank a little too much last night, Mrs. Porter. My… girlfriend had just broken up with me for another man and it really broke me…" Evan went on to explain. Rayla just stood there staring at him. "and you took that out on me?" Rayla questioned in anger and self-defence, "It's not like that…" Evan said, when suddenly, his phone rang, "Excuse me…" he said softly as he picked up his phone, "Yes? Can it wait? I am just in the middle of something. Alright, I will work on it right away…" Evan said and hung up. Evan took a deep breath, as he put his fingers in his lips… "although… your kiss did answer my question…." Evan grinned as he looked to the side. "Yeah, what was that….?" Rayla responded frowning her eyebrows at him in confusion and concern. Evan walked past and glanced her walking passed her, "that you do have some feelings for me…" Evan whispered to her tenderly in her ear.

Rayla grasped and held her self-control of anger, "please leave…." Rayla said in a deep angered tone of voice, keeping her voice tone under control. "as you wish…." Evan said and walked out, closing the door behind him. Suddenly, Rayla, taking deep breaths and looked at the closed door and threw a glass bottle of water at the door. Because deep down, what he said was right, but she did not want to admit it, which led to all the tension between the two of them, which they did not speak to each other.

Evan was just behind her door when she did this, outside her hotel room. Putting his hand on his head, in deep regret, "What have I done…" Evan thought to himself.

Present day morning: Meanwhile on the plane, Rayla just dozed off and went to sleep as her and the team were on their way back home. Evan watched her sleeping face as he sat opposite from her, as they could not change to make it obvious that something was happening between them. Evan smiled at her under his breath as he looked down on his phone, "She has a temper…" He grinned within himself, suddenly this turned him on, so he got a newspaper and covered himself, making it look like he was reading the newspaper, until he calmed down within himself.

About an hour later, the plane landed home safely, and everyone departed their ways, Rayla ensured her staff were picked up, including Evan. When he walked passed her, they never said anything to each other, other than a kind good bye in front of everyone at work and that was it.

Suddenly, her driver arrives and picks her up and takes her home to her husband and daughter. When she gets home, she is greeted cheerfully by Rachel and her husband. "Mummy's home!!" Rachael cheered as she ran to the door and opened it for Rayla she walked in the door, "Baby!!!" Oh, how I missed you so much!!!" Rayla said taking her in her arms and giving her a tight hug, "Mummy, can't breathe" Rachel said in her embrace, "Oh, sorry baby!! Mummy is just so happy to see you!!" She kissed and hugged and embraced Rachael.

Brad walks to the front door and welcomes his wife home, as he hugged and kissed her, "Welcome home baby…" Brad said tenderly. "How about we go out for dinner tonight hm?" Brad said, "That's a surprise?" Rayla questioned as she raised her eye brow at him in surprise. 'Well, you just got home, and you are tired from cooking, so let's go out tonight, you, me and Rachael…" Brad said to her kindly. "Alright, well let me shower and we will go then" She smiled and kissed her husband on the cheek, as she went and got ready, whilst Brad got their daughter ready.

Brad took his wife and daughter for dinner at the local fast food restaurant, "Really? I thought they hated pizza? Don't lose it…don't lose your temper here… don't ruin the evening…." Rayla argued within herself not to lose her temper, as they brought her to her favorited pizza parlour. "Tada!!! We know you like pizza, so we brought you here… smells good!" Brad said smelling in the fresh pizza and pasta of this place. Rayla looked at him and smiled softly, hiding her anger and hurt at him, as he never liked pizza, however thinking that they thought of her for once, melted her hardened heart somewhat, "If I order too much, they will judge me…" Rayla said within herself.

As they are seated together as a family, Rayla glances over to her left and notices an all too familiar man, and it is none other than Evan. "What on earth is he doing here!?!?" Rayla panicked and grunted within herself, suddenly, she put up a menu not to be recognized. "Would you like to order now?" said the waitress with a pen and note book, ready to take their orders. "Yes, baby, you go first." Brad motioned to Rayla kindly. "Ahh, you two order, I am still looking" Rayla smiled anxiously.

As they sat there thinking what to order, suddenly, Evan Blade comes to their table, "Well, well, look who I bump into? Mrs. Porter…" Evan said in a professional manner as he grinned tenderly to her as he pulled the menu from her slightly to see her. "Mr. Blade… What... what a surprise… What are you doing here…?" Rayla said professionally, hiding her anxiety in front of her husband, yet had a fearful expression on her face looking into Evan's eyes, her heart pounding in her chest, "I was sitting over here with some associates and overheard your voice…" Evan told her. "And you are?" Laura's husband said assertively yet not too aggressive in front of his daughter.