Chapter 12: Rumors

Laura's office Christmas Party had been arranged by Evan and Ashleigh, whilst Rayla attended her monthly management meeting with her management colleagues and superiors. "Yes, the conference was a success and we had both positive and negative feedback, as we can see, people requested more alcohol, however because of our policies in place, we advised it would cause inconvenient incidents, so to avoid that, that is why that policy was incorporated and has seen much success from the last couple of conferences. On a positive note however, the teams really benefited from the inhouse workshops, training sessions and networked with fellow industry leaders in our field." Rayla said as she was presenting her results of the conference that she was responsible for organising and closing of the conference. Her management superiors were really pleased. "I heard there was an incident between you and Mr. Blade, Mrs. Porter…" Said one of her jealous co-managers, who had tried to have a fling with Evan Brad recently, but he rejected her, so she suspected it was her he liked. Rayla swallowed a breath for a moment, "I… have no idea what you are talking about, Mrs. Acer, surely the conference was a success, and everyone had their own rooms after the conference, the females with the females and the males with the males so I don't know why you are bringing up such an accusation against me?" Rayla responded professionally trying to cover herself. "If that is what you say, Mrs. Porter, then I will believe you. Strange enough, I find it funny how Mr. Blade's room was just down the corridor from yours and reports say that you two headed back to the hotel together after the conference?" Mrs. Acer snickered at Rayla in front of the entire management board.

There is such a tension in the air that if you could get a knife, it would cut right through. Rayla swallowed a breath for a moment, as a cold sweat went down her eyebrow, no one noticed, however. "I have no need to explain anything on such an accusation. If you want something against me, bring Mr. Blade here yourself and tell him what happened. Yes, we both did walk back to the hotel, seeing that is where we both were staying, such as myself, my PA and other members of my team were all in the same hotel on the same floor, not just Mr. Blade. I had a duty of care to put everyone in the same place so that if anything were to happen safety wise, at least there would be help close by." Rayla said in self-defence, "Why don't you call him, Mrs. Acer, and see what he has to say in front of everyone here?" Rayla said assertively and sternly not to be made put down in front of her superiors, taking the risk to clear her name. It was a big risk she was taking with such a bold statement, because it could have gone both ways there. Either he tells what happened, or he defends her in this accusation. It was a risky move, Rayla thought to herself, but it was one she was willing to take to clear her name and integrity in front of everyone. "Would he spill the beans what happened?" she thought to herself. This was a huge gamble Rayla took to clear her name, but would it be enough to clear her name? The ball turned back on Mrs. Acer, because if such an accusation would come up at a meeting like that, there would be a formal investigation and Mrs. Acer could be suspended for gossip in the workplace. "Yes, please do call Mr. Blade, I need to speak with him on another matter as well, so we could kill two birds with one stone." Said one of the executive managers, being Laura's boss. Mrs. Acer swallowed a breath for a moment and called Evan, "Evan, I need you to come to the meeting I am in, 40th Floor…." Mrs. Acer said. "Alright…" He said softly and hang up. "He's really friendly with her, isn't he?" Rayla thought within herself. Feeling a little jealous somewhat for no apparent reason for a moment, that he was so casual with her.

There is silence until Evan arrived. Evan arrived and walked into a meeting room, full of tension. It was like walking in among a pack of wolves…"Ok… what is going on?" Evan said, as he looked straight at Rayla at the end of the meeting room table. "Ah, good morning, Mr. Blade. Apologies to disturb you as we are all fully aware of your IT meeting with your team this morning, but the reason I had Mrs. Acer call you here in my meeting, is because, Mrs. Acer here, has brought an accusation that an incident occurred between yourself and I, Mr. Blade, as she has stated, reports were seen of you and I walking back together to our hotel together at the conference. Would you be so kind as to confirm what happened, to put these useless accusations at ease, especially Mrs. Acer's here…." Rayla said kindly, yet professionally, with covered sarcasm, however there is hidden authority in her voice. Rayla was just hoping and praying he would not say anything. She kept her gaze at him, not swerving her eye contact with him as he was taken back at this as much as she was.

Evan was shocked and swallowed a breath, then looked straight at Mrs. Acer with a poke face expression on his face, as she tried to come on to him a few days prior. He glared at her as he swallowed a breath. "Alright, Mrs. Porter. Kindly allow me to switch my phone off so my team do not disturb me. May I instruct your PA, Mrs. Porter, to take calls from my team on my behalf?" Evan said professionally. "Please do." Rayla motioned professionally. "Thank you."

He said kindly and instructed Laura's PA. Evan took a seat in front of the board meeting and went on to explain, "Yes, Mrs. Porter and myself did walk back to the hotel together, seeing both our rooms were down the hall from each other. I… had drunken a little too much when…." Evan said, "Oh shit I am gone now…." Rayla rolled her eyes back as she put her hand on her head when suddenly, "I tripped in drunkenness and whilst holding me as I vomited all over myself and Mrs. Porter as well, from intoxication, she stayed with me to ensure my safety and walked me back to my room to ensure I was alright. After being so drunk and vomiting all over Mrs. Porter, I went over to her room to apologize the next morning, and she graciously was understanding towards me. I had asked her to not say a word of this to the rest of the office in confidence, as I didn't want this to get out and ruin both our reputations, as we all know, office gossip spreads like wild fire, so I deeply apologize for causing you problems in your position, Mrs. Porter, and to the rest of Management. Surely I drank a little too much and celebrated my awards night a little too much" Evan smirked as he crossed his arms in front of the management board. All laughed in the room at his last comments, "That is all? And here we are thinking…" Said one of the executive board members laughing, "What, that an affair took place? Don't be ridiculous. Mrs. Porter is an honourable woman of her standards; she would never betray her husband's trust like that… unlike most…" Evan said as he glanced at Mrs. Acer when he said this.

Raylas wallowed a breath and nearly teared up at his kind words. Everyone laughed in the room at the last comments, as they all knew he was referring to Mrs. Acer, as everyone knew she was unfaithful to her husband.

"Thank you, Mr. Blade for clarifying that for Mrs. Porter, I am sure she is relieved, just as much as we all are, we would hate to see her leave for such a silly rumour." Her boss said professionally yet kindly. "Yes, thank you Mr. Blade…" Rayla responded professionally. "Don't mention it. If you will all excuse me, I have a meeting to attend." Evan said and got up, left the meeting room. "Well, now that is out of the way, we can adjourn our meeting as our time is up, I have some training assessments to finalise the rest of the day. This concludes our meeting until next year, being Feb in two months' time. See you all at the Christmas Party in a few days." Rayla said and closed the meeting. Rayla glared at Mrs. Acer as she left the room behind her back. The door closed, and Rayla sat back in her chair and took a deep breath. "That…. Was too close…." She thought to herself. Suddenly, her PA comes in and announces that Evan wants to see her. "yes, let him in." Rayla said kindly fixing herself to look professional. "Hey…" He said to her. "Mr. Blade, please, take a seat…" Rayla said kindly yet professionally. "Thank you." He responded. "Look, Mrs. Porter…" He said, when she interrupted, "I wanted to say, thank you…. For keeping my honour intact, Mr. Blade. You have no idea how much that means to me…" Rayla told him kindly and professionally. "I…. didn't realize how much problems this would cause you, Mrs. Porter…." Evan said professionally and with compassion in his voice.

"Seems like Mrs. Acer has a thing for you, Mr. Blade, otherwise, she would not have attacked me like that in front of everyone…" Rayla said. "You women have good intuition; she said the same thing about you the other night." Evan smirked as he laid back in his seat. This made Rayla think they had an affair. "I see…." Rayla responded being taken back at his comments, being somewhat hurt and felt somewhat jealous. "Jealous, are you?" Evan teased. "What you do with your life, Mr. Blade, is no business to me, however, please don't let it affect my work and my position as HR manager. Because the last thing I need on my plate is a sexual harassment case…especially from Mrs. Acer… alright…." Raylas aid professionally and sternly.

Evan took a deep breath, "Yes boss…." He sighed. "good… thank you… Mr. Blade… for protecting my position back there…." Rayla said kindly to him as she looked to the side. Evan smiled at her. "Don't mention it." He smiled and winked at her, as he got up and walked out of her office. She smiled at him kindly and took a deep breath and sat back in her chair, turning around to look at the city view. "I need a holiday…" She sighed.