Chapter 104: Warning from SAS

Brad's POV:

We needed to get to Evan Blade before anyone else did. At this point, Brad glanced

at Brian and Brian butted into the conversation.

"I don't think you quite understand, but this area is under the surveillance of PMC, I

don't understand why the SAS are sending in your guys to come and check the place

out. And under PMC jurisdiction this should have nothing to so with SAS (Special

Agent Services).

Daniel kept his gaze on Brian and kept a poker face. "To be honest with you, I don't

want to be in your territory as much as you don't want me here, but I am here on

orders and I intend to carry them out until the job is done and I don't care who gets

in my way of me doing my job, that includes no mercy being shown to the person

responsible for getting in my way.

What we showed tonight in the ring was nothing compared to what I am really