Rayla's POV:
Evan told me to trust him and then the news report of him and me was deleted off of
the news channel, whatever he did took the attention off of us for a while. He did the
same thing too when the office ladies gossiped about me… I mean Evan always
looked out for me even while I was working for the company and now he is here with
me and we are doing something stupid like making love in a shack along the beach,
something teenagers would do I feel so stupid but at the same time it feels great in
his embrace….
Everywhere he touches, the way he glides his hand down the back of my spine and
pulls me close and holds me as if he wouldn't let me go. The way he looks at me
when we are making love I feel like I am drunk on love or something and with every
move he makes, he makes my body heat up all over and it feels blissful being
touched and loved by the one you are in love with.