Chapter four

How do you get away with murder?

I had no idea, it's not like I can google it or get the answer from somewhere. I needed a plan, and fast.

I paced around the warehouse, confused about my next actions. I took a peek at my sister lying lifeless with her head bashed open, and her eyes wide in surprise. She didn't see the bottle coming. Well, neither did I.

I didn't help but wonder, what if henry didn't sleep with my sister?

What if she was sweet to me while we were growing up?

What if she didn't abandon me when I needed him?

I needed to buy myself some time, to be able to think this through. I don't know what came over me, I think the anger got the better part of me this time.

I killed my sister!

I felt the urge to hurl, after everything she did to me during our childhood. She tried to take over my life and friends and in the end,

I took hers,

I just took my sister's life like it was nothing.

I stare at the tiny droplet of blood floating around the glass of wine, her glass of wine. I stared at it for a long time, in one gulp I drank the wine. After all, she is the blood of my blood.

Some people have a road map in their DNA to offer them answers in situations like this, but I need space to thin, and figure something out. Staring at her laying on the ground in a pool of her blood was distracting enough.

I couldn't run, I had nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. I had no one to help me, I didn't want to involve anyone in this mess.

Think, come on, think!

I continued pacing, not sure of my next line of action. I could call henry, but he would be of no help to me, and if he doesn't tread lightly with me, I would end up gorging his eyes out.

The whole place was closing in on me, my chest felt tighter. I couldn't breathe, I felt so lightheaded. I was having a panic attack. I struggled to keep calm, panicking would only make it worse. I closed my eyes, expelling breaths one after the other, telling myself to stay calm.

I repeated the action twice till I began to feel like myself, it was then that the idea came to me. She never did tell anyone that we were meeting, I was the only one she told. I didn't tell Henry that I would be out today. I had to clean up the mess making it look like an accident.

My fingerprints were already on the glass, and my prints were on the bottle. She can't possibly be drinking alone in a warehouse without a bottle. Come on, Dermot. Think!

I searched the warehouse with my eyes, thinking of the best way to get rid of any evidence that I was here. I took her phone, checking to see if she told anyone of her whereabouts. I scrolled through text messages, outgoing, and incoming calls. I checked her Instagram too. But nothing, she didn't share her location with anyone.

I remember her stocking this warehouse, it was like her den of privacy. When she was trying so hard to reconnect with me, she got this place and she called it home. I checked the back of the room to identify anything that would serve as an evidence eraser.

I found a working refrigerator and a glove, with tons of cleaning equipment. What kind of warehouse is this?

I remember her buying it, but I didn't know she stocked things in here, I thanked my lucky stars for finding these things. They were going to be very useful.

I gathered myself, getting the cleaning supplies ready. If I am going to erase any evidence of being here, then would erase hers too. There was no need to keep a trace by letting them find her body, it would lead to a series of events. Like her husband finding out that she has a secret, and has been lying to him. Like henry finding out that I knew about their affair or whatever it is they had that made her send that picture. He would then find out that I killed her when I found out about the said affair. This was one mistake I wasn't willing to let happen, it would destroy everything.

Picking up the rubber gloves, and put them on. I took the wine bottle and glasses, wiping the prints off, I scrubbed everything I had touched clean, it was one step toward getting away with murder.

I took her body and proceeded to dump it in the freezer, it will decay there and not attract attention with its awful smell. I cleaned the blood, making sure I used bleach. I cleaned everywhere till it was spotless. Satisfied with my masterpiece, I nodded my head. Everything was back to normal, it reeked of bleach but it was a good thing.

I checked my phone, seeing I got a message from Henry, he was just checking up on me. I hissed at the text message, is he fucking kidding me? I am in a murderous mood right now, and he chose now to send me a message?

I checked my dress to make sure I didn't get any bloodstain on it, it was a pretty decent dress, I texted henry back, letting him know that I would be making dinner when he comes home. He texted back, telling me he will be working late again.

I smirked at my phone, "you and I both know that you would be coming back tonight" I said aloud.

Seeing that his mistress was dead from a blow to the head, he definitely would be coming back home tonight.

I laughed a little to myself, I took her phone too, hoping to keep it or dump it somewhere. I made sure everywhere was clean before taking my leave. I shut the door tight, praying that nobody comes in here.

I walked two miles from the warehouse, I took a cab to my place later on. The walking cleared my head, and it made people see me walking not killing anyone, people stared, but their staring didn't make me as nervous as the phone in my pocket did.

What if her husband calls?

What do I do?

I got home two hours before henry did, I made dinner because I know the person he was going to meet won't show up.


She is stuffed in a deep freezer.

I watched him come up to kiss me like he hasn't been cheating on me for a long time now, I smiled at him wishing I could bash his head too.

"Hey baby, I decided to come home early and have dinner with my favorite girl," he said cheekily,

A smile made its way to my face, and it was because I knew he was lying his ass off. I slithered away when his affection became too amorous. I wanted to kill him. I reined in my temper, giving him the fakest smile I have.

"Yeah, I decided to cook anyway, just in case you were hungry" I shrugged.

"Thank you, the investors didn't come in. she is never late," he said,

"She?" I asked, raising a brow at the slipup.

He seems to realize that he just slipped up, "yeah, um… she is very essential to the company"

"Right, well, I am sorry she didn't show up. She will call" I assured him.

"Yeah, let's go to bed" he suggested,

"Go ahead, and I will be right with you," I told him.

I needed to put my clothes in the drier, I didn't want henry suspecting a thing about today, I already had the dress in the washing machine before he came home. I switched off her phone, just in case there were any surprise calls from anybody. I didn't want to be exposed as a murderer.

I showered as soon as I came home, washing both my hair and body well. I even dipped my shoes into the bleach, realizing how dumb that was when they got destroyed. I didn't want to get sloppy.

I knew the investor henry was meeting was devlin, her phone rang and it was Henry, I felt so much anger that time, I was concerned about it. He has been cheating on me with my twin sister. That was so sick. She got what she deserves, and henry would concentrate on just being with me. Devlin can go to hell and rot in it.

In a very dark office, a particular young man was waiting for an important phone call

"Hello, is it done?" he asked the person on the other line,

"Yes, she did everything you said she would" the voice replied,

"Good, phase two begins"

He takes his cigar and scotch, toasting to the start of what he might call a good plan.

Blowing the smoke in the air, he chuckles darkly.

"Let's see what our little player does next,"