chapter twelve

Carter's pov

I heard my wife rush out of work because she wasn't feeling too well, and I wrapped up mine as well. We haven't gotten the opportunity to talk since that dinner. I wanted to apologize but she wasn't giving me the chance to. I wouldn't give myself the chance to either, I was cruel to her after she went out of her way to prepare a meal for me.

It wasn't my fault that I was confused about the sudden attraction that I suddenly felt for my wife, it was new and it made me feel bad. I wasn't attracted to her even before we got married seeing as it was a marriage of convenience but ever since that day, she came back looking tired and innocent, I felt the attraction switch break into a million pieces, it was suddenly everywhere. She looked prettier than the first time I first met her.

Suddenly, I found my wife desirable in all ways you can't even imagine, she looked different now, acted differently and I found myself wanting to get close to her. This was the side I was attracted to, the real her. The old she was just fake and I didn't want to get close to her, but this is the side of her I wanted to know.

Hearing that she left the office quickly and she looked upset, I thought maybe I would go surprise her and treat her to a quick dinner. She might not be up for that, so I stopped on my way to get a cheeseburger and fries. I heard it was the best comfort food to gift someone, I bought it for her and myself. I heard women loved eating when they are sad or going through any emotional thing at all.

Getting home, everywhere was quiet and calm. Her car was parked in the garage so that means she was home, I dropped my files on the table, deciding to carry the comfort food to her room, if she was sleeping then she could eat when she woke up.

I was almost to her room when I heard whimpering, she had a dog? That's new.

I knocked but there was no answer, I don't knock but it looked like she was too busy to hear me, I gently pried the door open, she was on her bed wearing nothing but a bathrobe, and to my surprise, she was crying. She almost sounded like a baby.

I watched her for a while, she didn't know I was watching her. Her skin was clear and still wet, which means that she got out of the shower. I have never seen her hair in this state, she always had it straightened and never out of place but now it was curled and fallen on her shoulders.

I approached her quietly, "Devlin, are you alright?" I asked calmly,

She startled, now aware that I was in her room, she cleaned her face quickly, wiping it off with the back of her palm.

"You are back, welcome back," she said hastily,

I looked at her, she looked hurt.

"Yes, I just needed a few minutes to myself, you are back early," she said,

"You are crying," I stared, good going genius.

I sat down beside her handing the bag of food,

"What's this?" She peered inside the bag scanning the contents one after the other.

"When I heard you rushed out of the office, I assumed that something was wrong and brought you comfort food," I said,

She looked at me with appreciation in her eyes, "thank you that was nice for you to do" she said,

"Why are you crying? "I ask her,

"Nothing, just had a bad day at work, that's all" she answered,

I stared at her for a long time, she looked fragile. A weird look on her after being married to her. She was usually tough-looking all the time.

"Come on, let's eat" I suggested, opening up a pack for myself, she did the same, her smile grew bigger when she unwrapped the burger. Taking a bite, she let out a little moan at how good it was. My smile froze in place, the sound she just made turning my insides into mush.

I told her about my day as she listened, I told all sorts of stories to distract her from whatever it was that was making her unhappy.

In return, she told me about the deal she closed with a smaller group. Her work ethic has been affected, the old Devlin would have never tried that, she would only show up to work, spend the day on the phone with her friends, and half of the day doing some shopping.

I liked this new Side of her more than she realizes, we are till we were done with our food.

"I am so full," she groaned,

I laughed as she rubbed her belly, her early concern was nearly gone. The dried tears on her face left a mark, her lips swollen from biting too much during the crying. She looked so barefaced and vulnerable to me. I have never found her more attractive than this.

She cleaned her mouth, leaving a speck of fries on her lip, I wanted to tell her that she has something on her lip, but the words couldn't come out. I just stared at her, she notices me staring and froze.

"Why are you staring at me like that, is there something on my lips?" She asked, making movements to clean it but I wasn't having it.

This was an opportunity that I wasn't going to miss at all, she looked so innocent and sexy to me wearing nothing but a bathrobe. She kept staring at me, probably wondering why I was staring at her like a hungry man. That is because I am hungry but it wasn't for food.

"C...carter?" She stuttered,

I don't know what came over me but I found myself leaning forward till my lips claimed hers in a kiss.