chapter eighteen

Dermot's pov

I don't know how possible it was that my smile got bigger when I imagined Devlin rolling around in death. She is watching helplessly as I pay her back for every cruelty that she showed me all those years we were growing up, it was the best revenge and what surprises me is that I came up with it while thinking of how to dispose of her body.

I circled my plans in my diary, I didn't know if Carter was home. I didn't want to risk running into him while I was making dinner, he was usually home by now and in his study while I am cooking, but I haven't heard the front door slam shut.

Maybe he was coming late today, I usually made dinner and leave his. Just because we are avoiding each other doesn't mean he should starve to death, as a gentleman that he is, he washes the dishes whenever he is done so as not to leave a mess.