Chapter twenty

Dermot's pov

I was so nervous. On the outside, I looked as cool as a cucumber but inside, I was such a nervous wreck. I almost leaned in to kiss him on the cheek like it was a normal routine. I have been nervous since He mentioned the dinner.

It wasn't a big deal but I was shaking inside, I was full of doubts. I want to spend time with him but I was afraid he will know that I wasn't his wife. What will he do when he finds out?

I didn't want to imagine it, not right now. 

Up until now, I have been trying my best to fit in, perfecting the act of Devlin wasn't much work, she was shallow and predictable, and it was easy to become her. I have fooled the people at work, her friends, and even her husband but for how long?

It was easier when I had to play pretend from afar, how about now we are close? I can't say no to the dinner, but I can't afford to slip when I am with him. One slip up and he is already questioning his sanity.