Chapter twenty four

Dermot's pov

"I want a real marriage," he announced,

I stared at him, the shock written all over my face was nothing but an act, this is what I wanted but my heart still fluttered when I heard it. Like it was real and not some elaborate scheme I planted.

At the moment, all I wanted to scream at Devlin's corpse was

"I win, bitch! Your husband is mine." But I kept my mouth shut and kept staring at him like I had no clue what he was on about.

"Say something," he prompted, 

"What do you want me to say? This is all of a sudden," I told him,

He nodded his head as he understood me, "I just..." 

I cut him off with a question, "what brought this on?" I asked innocently, he just stared like he was confused and I didn't bother to say anything.