Chapter thirty one

Dermot's pov

Carter took me home as soon as possible, I felt like I could breathe a little in the car. Away from the prying eyes made me feel less stuffy. He couldn't resist glancing at me every two seconds like he was worried about me.

I know he must have felt so scared about my reaction but he wouldn't understand the turmoil I went through. 

We got home and I hurried upstairs to my room, I needed to take off this dress. It made me feel like I was suffocating all through. 

"Where are you going?" He called out as I raced upstairs.

I ignored his questions, I would answer them later. I unzipped my dress as soon as I got to my room, I didn't bother with the modesty we have already seen each other naked so there was no point hiding it.

I felt him move behind me, trying to help me unzip the rest of the dress, I sighed in relief when it pooled at my feet. He tied my hair up with a band and urged me to go shower.