Chapter thirty eight

Dermot's pov

I looked up sharply, my face flaming hot from my thoughts before.

It was my assistant, she came to drop off the files I asked her to bring, I couldn't look her in the eye even when she asked that she gets me some snacks from the break room. I nodded but I couldn't face her, I was afraid she would see what I have been thinking about before she came in.

I cleared my throat hoping my face has gone down, it was always red for no reason.

"You okay, ma'am?" She asked in concern, 

"Yes, yes, I am fine," I assured her.

Great! I have given them another thing to gossip about in the office, they were always looking for something to say about my recent behavior not that I would let them see anything.

She left my office and I once again appeared to be alone with my thoughts. The events of the night came rushing back into my head.

I sighed out, how am I supposed to concentrate when I keep thinking about it?