Chapter forty one

Carter's pov

I stared at her as she walked to our table, I didn't tell her we were meeting people tonight.

I watched as the expression on her face changed and I knew something was wrong. She was confident when she was walking here with a pep in her step now there was nothing but hesitation in it.

My smile faltered when I saw the disbelief in her eyes, I wondered what was wrong. I stood from my seat to go hug her but her body language was a bit off. She didn't look happy to see me, I thought about all the things that could go wrong from her house to this place and found nothing amiss. She must have taken a cab because she wasn't with her keys or any purse.

This is the first time I am seeing her without a purse, I thought women didn't go anywhere without it. 

I kissed her on the cheek, "Hey baby, why didn't you call me?" I asked her,