Chapter forty five

Dermot's pov

I woke up with a smile on my face, all evidence of the previous fight had been erased from my mind completely, the thought of it made my smile even wider.

I stretched my limbs, I was even more tired than before I went to sleep. I guess having sex can wear you out entirely I searched my bed for Carter but he was nowhere to be found, maybe he went back to his room.

The thought made me a little sad, I thought we were past that already. We may have different rooms but it was clear that we needed just one room.

I got up from the bed, brushed my teeth, and secured my robe belt tightly around my waist.

  I headed downstairs to make something for breakfast. I haven't had that in a long time, always rushing out for work.

I got to the kitchen and came to a standstill. Carter in all his glory was making something.

But that wasn't what I was looking at, he was shirtless and I felt myself salivating at his ripped muscles and clear skin.