Chapter fifty two

Carter's pov

  My eyes blinked sharply trying to adjust the ray of sunlight that attacked it as it gradually opened. The sun was sharp and I used my hands to block it out.

The smell of sweat probably from last night's sexual adventures hit my nose making me nauseous all of a sudden as I felt a stir at the other side of the bed making my eyes dart to the little noise.

Memories of last night flooded my mind as a stared at the woman sleeping beside me. She was looking so peaceful rather than how her face looked while sucking my dick off last night.  After the one we had facing the mirror, I wasn't satisfied, and she wasn't fully sated so we went at it again.

Last night's fun was one of the many things I looked forward to when I pick fights with her. She was amazing last night, she matched my thrusts stroke for stroke and my body could still tell from what they went true with her nails.