Chapter fifty four

Carter's pov

Something was up.

I wasn't sure what but I felt it in every inch of my bones. She was active and strange for some reason. But it started with that dream of hers, she woke up screaming my name, and to be honest, it scared me a bit.

Lately, I have known her to be a calm person and it was so disturbing to see her so rattled. She was constantly looking back and it made me so wary. I thought someone was after her, after the night out with the girls.

Í tried coaxing her to talk to me, but she kept mute. It's like she forgot that we were a team. Nothing will make me stop loving her, I don't care about her past. What I care about was us.

I gave her a day off, expecting her to sleep but she went for a walk. I had someone follow her to make sure she was safe, I didn't want anything to happen to her.