Chapter fifty nine

Carter's pov

I hated her with every fiber of my being, she made me lose my only chance to be with the love of my life.

I have loved her for as long as I remember, ever since I saw her. Her face and smile imprinted themselves in my heart and didn't let go. I knew who she was when I approached her.

To be deceived by her made me ache and I vowed to have my revenge and get back the love that I once lost...

I opened my eyes, squinting so hard because the sunlight shone directly on my face, I sighed. I didn't want to wake up yet, not when I had her in my arms.

I stared down at the woman huddled up in my bed, her face portrayed the peace she felt as she slept. I decided that she needed rest and cuddled her to sleep after our heated make-out session in the kitchen.

I noticed she has been disoriented and paranoid, I didn't want to alarm her about it. I pretended to not know anything about it so she wouldn't withdraw from me.