Chapter seventy three

Carter's pov

She looked like a sea goddess, her jacket flowing with the wind and her hair flaring wildly as she fought to keep it from her face.

His smile was as bright as the blue clouds in the sky, she was having fun with her newfound acquaintances. I know how hard it is for her to find people to talk to or relate to.

I am happy she found people with zero effort, and they all seem to like her.

Being here felt like being free, I had nothing to worry about and neither did she. She looked so carefree and beautiful that I found myself staring at her a lot from where I was standing.

My phone rang and I picked it from my pocket to answer it, it was Benjamin.

"We found her," he said.

That alone was enough to make my hairs stand, this was the news I have waited so long to hear. 

"How long?" I asked.

"She has been here for quite a while now, and she has been active for most of her time." He answered.

I nodded, "I see,"