Chapter seventy five

Dermot's pov

I kept my suspicions to myself, I didn't want to alert Carter before I can confirm it for myself.

During the flight home, I was so distracted and lost in thoughts that I gave Carter generic responses to all the questions he asked me. If he was worried about my attitude, he didn't show it.

He chalked it up to me being tired and unhappy that we were coming back, I agreed with him though. I wasn't that eager to come back to reality now that I had a real problem facing me.

I could be pregnant for Carter.

I know he would be ecstatic but we had a real problem facing us in the form of Devlin. How do I face these two at the same time?

The possibility that I could be pregnant made me lose my bravado in confronting her. I didn't want her using another secret to manipulate me. I wanted to hold all the cards so until I am sure of this, I wouldn't confront her.

I nodded to myself, there was nothing I couldn't handle.