Chapter seventy eight

I laughed maniacally to myself. The bottle of wine was in my grasp as I danced around the little motel room I found myself in.

I didn't need to do all the work, it looks like they are doing it for me. I was drunk, not from the wine I was drinking yesterday but from the fight that ensued in front of me.

There was a conflict between the power couple and from the looks of it, he had no idea that she had a dark secret.

I grinned evilly, this was making me all the more happy as I thought about it. The look on her face as he walked out on her made my heart jump for joy. I just had to contain myself and not draw attention to myself.

Did they think that they could get rid of me that easily?

Come on!

Really? Come on!

This is my life we are talking about, she left me for dead and started living my life with no atom of remorse for the person she left dead.