Chapter eighty

Dermot's pov

I remove my hand from the window, dropping them at my sides when Carter pulled away.

"Why did you come back here?" His voice is soft and it had a seductive edge to it.

I can feel his eyes burning into me but I kept looking out the window knowing what would happen when I look at him.

It was ironic because I know what I wanted that drove me here but now that I am here, I was shy to say it because we just made up.

Carter didn't wait for my response, he cupped my cheek, turning my face forward as my body went along with it.

"You want me." 

It wasn't a question, it was a statement. One that couldn't be denied because it was entirely tied.

His thumb caressed my cheeks as I lay my hand on his wrist keeping his hand firmly against my face.

"Cater...I want." That is all I get out before he cups the back of my head in his other hand while lowering his head to be eye level with me.