Chapter eighty two

Dermot's pov

I didn't realize I was frozen, I didn't move or breathe because of the bomb she had dropped, it took my brain a lot of energy to process the information.

It took me a minute to digest that the doctor looked appalled because I said those words out loud.

"Excuse me?" She asked, 

"Sorry, it just slipped out. I apologized immediately.

She relaxed,  " okay, this must be a shock to you but the results came back positive." She concluded.

I nodded my head, I was pregnant with Carter's child. I felt a series of emotions ranging from shock to joy to sadness.

I was confused. I was overjoyed because I was certain he would be very happy but on the other hand, I was sad because if he discovers that I am an imposter, my baby and I might not be welcomed into his house.

Oh, God!

I was engrossed in my emotions that I didn't realize I had left the doctor's office, I was headed down to the office.