Chapter ninety four

Dermot's pov

I was surprised at the faces, they didn't look like the normal people I handled. I gulped.

I can do this.

It was like stealing candy from a baby.

I held my head high, walking to the front. I could see Carter staring at me in concern. 

"Good afternoon gentlemen, shall we get started," I said immediately.

I needed to do this before I lost the nerve to speak in front of them.

They shuffled their feet in reluctance, I glanced at Carter when he shook his head.

"We are still waiting on the most important person for this meeting." Someone said.

I nodded, well then, let's wait together.

I might as well use the opportunity to gather my nerves before I lose them.

I glanced through my notes while we waited for the last member for the presentation, I hated people who are not punctual. It irritated me to witness such.

"What kind of man wouldn't be present for meetings on time?" I asked out loud.