Chapter ninety nine

Dermot's pov

Uh oh!

I knew that look.

Carter has that look I always get when I am thinking hard about something, I knew that because I have the same look on my face right now.

My assistant played him, no. my assistant played us both.

I have been so busy fighting wars with the people outside that I forgot the one that was under my nose all this while.

I scoffed making Carter look at me with a questioning look, I ignored him.

How didn't I see this all this time that we worked together?

"What do we do?" I heard Carter ask,

"What do you mean, what do we do? We act like we don't know anything." I tell him.

He gave me a look, "well, I don't have to see her at work." I defended.

"That much is true, I don't have to see her too." He said.

I nodded, that was good. We don't have to see her.

"But we are going to watch her and see what she is uptop." He concluded.