Chapter one hundred and fourteen

Dermot's pov

I smiled my way through the hallways of the company as I walked down to my office. I was so excited and the smile on my face was just showing a little.

Carter promised not to be a worry wart so far as I try to be careful and I promised him that I will be. I wore my suit, this time with a little cleavage and a bold statement in form of lipstick.

I wanted to show them that I still got it and I wasn't going anywhere. 

I didn't want Carter to drive me, I wanted to make an entrance by myself, and the farther I was from him, the better our story sells. The story between Ben and I.

Today, we did a sweep of the house and we found just one bug, planted where my assistant had been sitting. I wanted to laugh but I figured she might be listening. We decided to just renovate the house, the noise alone will disrupt her from hearing anything, and probably one of the pieces of equipment will knock it off. That's the story we are going with.