Chapter one hundred and twenty three

Dahlia was still dizzy by the time they got to the place she was to be kept. It was a big empty warehouse with poor lighting. The poor lighting was an intentional decision of Jose and it was one of the reasons he had chosen the place. He wanted to use that little access to light as a weapon against Elio any day he comes. His men are familiar with the warehouse and as big as that room was, it had just one bold at the middle with its switch at his men's side. 

"Move the others here too," Jose commanded his men before Dahlia was brought. He wanted them all to be aim a large spacious room so that when Elio finally show up, there we be enough space for him too. 

"Get me some water," Jose commanded his men. It has been about two hours Dahlia had been kidnapped and her hands and legs have been tied to the chair. All through the time, this was done, she was not conscious of anything around her.