Chapter one hundred and twenty four

Elio took the phone and Ricky's. He punched the number that displayed besides Hacker's name in Ricky's phone into the other phone and dialed. The person on the other end picked on the third ring.

"Hacker?" Elio's voice rang into the phone.

"Yes? Who am I onto?" Hacker's deep baritone came onto the phone.

"That's not important now. I have a job for you. It comes with a really juicy offer, if you're smart enough to agree to do it." Elio stated.

"And what's this offer?" Hacker inquired.

"An opportunity to go back to the western world but not like the last time when you went there with nothing. This time, you have some asset in your name that'd help you kickstart the life you've always wanted on a good foot." Elio said, whilst stroking his chin.

"And what are these assets worth if I may ask?" Hacker asked. His tone a bit pitched out of excitement he was trying so hard to hide.