Chapter 31

Andy's POV 

      I chewed on the inside of my cheeks as I turned his question about if I wanted a water at least, around inside of my head, I really wasn't in the mood to stomach anything at this current state, but the concern on his face was so deep, and I was sure he was going to only get worked up if I refused his offer of some water, so I huffed out a small breath as I slowly nodded my head at him.

"A water sounds nice, I guess." I let out and a whoosh of breath left his lungs as he nodded his head at me and was on his feet in an instant, I watched him leave for the door of the bedroom, probably to go get me some water. Once I was alone in the room, I turned around until I was laying on my back, and I stared straight into the roof as I huffed out a small breath, the bubbling feeling inside my stomach that had started to brew as soon as Ash had released his calming pheromones over me was still yet to completely settle and I wasn't complaining in any way.