Opening Dish?

"We forgot to ask him what he wanted for, breakfast" Vent said 

"Don't worry I already got his meal down, he likes two slices of bread kindly buttered" Rufe said

Vent grabbed a loaf out of the fridge

"Hey what're you doing" Rufe asked 

"I'm getting a slice, for Mr. Revelli's breakfast" Vent said begining to cut the slice

"No, wait don't use that" Rufe said grabbing Vent's arm

"Why? can't I use this" Vent asked

"Because I want you to make your own bread this must be all homemade if you want to impress Mr. Revelli" Rufe said


"I gotta go take whoever that is, but make everything by scratch, Vent" Rufe said

Vent put the knife down and put the bread in the fridge

Vent grabbed the flour, yeast, sugar, oil, water and salt

"Alright, apple pie people haven't ordered this in forever" Rufe said

"Hey uh, Vent use that yeast instead it rises much after it'll be quicker" Rufe said

Vent grabbed a bowl and oiled it

Vent grabbed the yeast and dissolved it with the sugar and water, then let it sit, then mixed the cups of flour then salt then oil, adding more flour until it was less sticky. 

Then he floured a surface and kneaded the dough for about 10 minutes, grabbing the oiled bowl he placed the dough in it, letting it rise for about 20 minutes thanks to the yeast

"Hey, Vent you letting that rise, come help me out with these orders please" Rufe yelled

"Alright, Rufe coming" Vent said

"Here take these three orders please" Rufe said

"Blueberry muffin, Cinnamon Rolls, and  Frittata" Vent said

"Hey, Vent use the one in the fridge I made it early this morning" Rufe said

Vent got the cinnamon rolls, Blueberry muffins and a Frittata and Warmed it in the oven

He then plated the food and handed it to Rufe

"Hey, I gotta work on the dessert while the bread is rising" Vent said to Rufe

"Hey, Rufe can our special dessert be cheesecake, remember the one I made yesterday for today I did make it after all it'll save time too" Vent said

"Hmmm..... a.a.a. alright you can use the cheesecake" Rufe said

"Alright, lemme get this bread in the pan and I'll get the cheesecake ready" Vent said

Vent let the bread rise for about 30 minutes

"Vent five orders take these" Rufe said

"Two blueberry muffins, eggs and bacon, Mixed berry French toast casserole and another cinnamon roll" Vent said

"All of what you get is already made, I made some of it this morning and yesterday" Rufe said

Vent got the food prepared and on the plate and gave it to Rufe

"Ma'am, Sir, yes you your orders are ready"

Vent checked his bread, which had risen up and he put the bread in the oven 

"How's your dish coming along" Rufe asked

"I got the bread cooking the dessert is the only thing ready" Vent said

"Oh, forgot to tell you Mr. Revelli likes two tomatoe slices with his toasts too" Rude said grabbing the Frittata

"When you slice the bread and get it buttered and put it on the plate then let me know" Rufe said walking out

"Let you know, know what?" Vent said

Vent got the bread out the oven letting it cool, then after cooling and warmed grabbed a plate and sliced the bread gently buttering it

"Hey, Rufe! You needed me" Vent said

"Yes, good you have the bread on the plate, alright get the tomatoes" Rufe said

"Cut them" He said standing by Vent

"Nope nope nope nope nope" Rufe said

"Watch, he likes his tomatoes cut a certain way" Rude said 

"Like this" Rufe said cutting it

"Why it's just tomatoes?" Vent said confused

"Jeez just do it, stop complaining" Rufe said

Vent cut the tomatoes and placed them by Rufe's cut tomatoes

"They don't have the same consistency, idiot cut them again" Rufe said

"So what are we going to do with the wasted ones? Aren't we wasting the. " Vent said

"Put them on a breakfast sandwich burger salad, now stop worrying about this and focus on your dish" Rufe said walking out

Vent cut and cut going through about sic tomatoes

"Hey, Rufe can you check this please" Vent said

Rufe, put his plate down and picked the tomatoes up comparing them to his

"Hmmm.....let's see well, good job, Vent I'm surprised it only took you six tomatoes" Rufe said

"Only?" Vent said

"Alright, where's the toasts, over there grab them" Rufe said

Vent grabbed the plate

"Alright you need to put these tomatoes on the rim of the plate hanging 3/4's from a right angle of the toasts" Rufe said

"WHAT!!!?" Vent said

"The hell is all this for" Vent said

"We never did this before, making toast" Vent said

"Because nobody else likes their toasts prepared this way except him" Rufe said

Vent took a measuring tool out and measured it

"Rufe help me please" Vent said

"It's easy, Vent put the tomatoes on the edge of the plate let them hit the toast then press down on both tomatoes so that they aren't touching the toast" Rufe said

"Alright" Vent did as Rufe said

"Now you're done, Vent" Rufe said

"Give him the Cheesecake too, balance the plates too" Rufe said

Vent walked out balancing both plates on his arms

"Mr. Revelli, Sir your toasts plus tomatoes and the special dessert cheesecake, enjoy Sir" Vent said

"Good job, Vent" Rufe said

"Dude that took like forever how the help does one human need a dish to prepared like that" Rufe said 

Ding Ding

"Oh, it's Jakey" Vent said laughing

"No I'll deal with him, remember you're being scouted" Rufe said

"Well wh-

"Are you here to eat or talk because if you aren't here to eat you can go right back out" Rufe said

"Yo, what you always let me talk though why ca-

"Eat or talk" Rufe interrupted

"Fine, but I'm coming back" Jakey said walking out

"You have to do something about him, I don't like that little shit coming in here talking like he owns the place, just cuz you work here" Rufe said taking a bread out

"Oh, Jakey doesn't mean any harm" Rufe said 

"I don't care he talks and talks and talks, take this to that woman waiting" Rufe said

Vent took the dish out

"Here you go ma'am" he said happily

"Hey, you come over here" Mr. Revelli said

Vent ran walked over to Mr. Revelli

"Yes, Sir is everything alright" Vent asked

"Who made this, meal" he said with a straight face

"Uhm, ahem* I did, Sir could I g-

Mr. Revelli pulled out a card and gave it to Vent then put $700 dollars tip

"RUFE!!!!!" Vent ran to the back

"What, is it, did he like it" Rufe asked

"Liked, he LOVED it from the look of this" Vent said pulling money and the card out

"Damn he gave you $700 and he gave you the card which means you can come in at anytime, you may even get past the 200" Rufe said

"Are you serious" Vent said

"Haha, No there is going to be sooo much more people better than you there, but Mr. Revelli liked it, so enjoy your fame, Son" Rufe said walking out to take an order

"So does this mean I am talented or" Vent said


"HEY VENT" Jakey said 

"Goodness, shut up" Rufe said to Jakey

"I don't even want to let you in my restaurant anymore you loud piece of shit" Rufe said

"You know my rule order or go" Rufe said

"Pizza please, a whole one" he said

"Vent make your friends order please" Rufe said


"Hey, Rufe uhm, earlier today you said something about the 200" Vent asked mopping

"Well, Mr. Revelli liked your dish a lot, but that's not enough to get you through the 200, there is going to be many students there some like you some better, hell there's going to be people who were child chefs working in a restaurant like this" Rufe said

"Do you really think I actually have a chance then sounds competitive" Vent said

"Like I said it's not what I think, it's what you think, here catch" Rufe said throwing the keys

"Put the food for tomorrow into the fridge you're closing up shop" Rufe said


Vent walked home, thinking about if he really did go to Plate of Haven

"Ring Ring


"Oh, NaNa I'm going to be there, I promise" Vent said

"I'm coming NaNa" he said

"Alright, tell mom and dad, bye" Vent said


Knock Knock

"Honey, finally we thought you'd never come back for dinner" Mrs. Moyer said

"I've just been a bit busy mom, I was planning to visit I promise" He said


"So how's your job" Mrs. Moyer asked

"It's a nice job today someone gave me a $700 tip too" Vent said

"My, your food must've been really good then" She said

"What're you gonna spend it on" NaNa asked

"Haha, I don't know" he said

"Hey, Son what do you plan to do after this" Mr. Moyer asked

"That reminds me, I actually plan to attend Plate of Haven" Vent said

"You do?" Mr. Moyer asked

"Yes daddy is there something wrong or" Vent said

"Well, son that school is extremely prestigious you know, they kick people out for using the wrong plate" Mrs. Moyer said

"Well the man who gave me the $700, works at Plate of Haven he even gave me this" Vent said taking the card out

"What's this" Mr. Moyer said grabbing it

"A card to come to the school" Vent said

"He gave you that personally" Mrs. Moyer asked

"Yes, he did" Vent said

"Well if that's what you want to do then I don't see why you can't" NaNa said

"Thanks NaNa" Vent said smiling

"Alright, eat your dinner son" Mrs. Moyer said


Vent was watching TV

"What're you doing" NaNa asked

"What does it look like" Vent said

"Wait why are you here, Vent" NaNa asked

"Because it's closer to the restaurant" Vent said

"Oh, uh are you gonna go to the plate school" NaNa asked

"Plate of Haven" Vent laughed

"Yeah that place" NaNa said sitting next to Vent

"I've been thinking about it, I wanna be a chef" Vent said

"I thought you already were" NaNa said

"Nah, I just work there guess I'm a good cook or else I wouldn't have a job" Vent said

"Oh," NaNa said going to sleep on Vent's shoulder

"Ha, goodnight NaNa" Vent said hugging NaNa
