Meeting the boy who lived.

The ingredients came by evening. I made a plan to brew it by the end of the next day after the Harry Potter fiasco. The potion needed 15 days to complete. I used the training room to start brewing the potion. The system never said I could not do it. I made sure to exploit whatever loophole that I could get.

"Muhahahaha" I laughed like a villain.

The next day. I went downward in my charismatic teacher's drab with the iconic turban. I had breakfast and listened to the innkeeper Tom dishing out gossip to the patrons. Once that was done I started waiting in the lounge near the entrance to Diagon Alley reading the day's newspaper. The daily prophet was indeed a rag. Nothing but gossip and details on what happened in Wizengamot. Rita Skeeter seemed to have some interesting thoughts on Flourish and Blotts bookstore for some reason.

Soon I heard a commotion. A giant of a man leading a skinny kid in an oversized shirt being prodded and pinched by the patrons of the inn.

"Harry Potter, it is a pleasure to meet you." I said. The boy looked up wide-eyed at the attire. It indeed commanded respect due to the added charisma.

"Oh, Professor Quirrell didn't see you there" said the oaf of a man Hagrid.

I looked over to the patrons who were coming over with my piercing blue eyes. They felt like looking into the eye of a beast ready to pounce. All of them stopped and stepped back and went to do what they were doing, but intently listened to the exchange.

"Hagrid, are you the one taking Harry out shopping. Isn't it usually Professor McGonagall" I asked.

"Yes Professor it should have been, but she is indisposed" he replied honestly.

"Well, I was intending to go to Diagon Alley. I would be happy to tag along and provide Harry with some advice on purchasing, and maybe a thing or two regarding Hogwarts as he clearly seems to be muggle raised" I said.

"That would be excellent professor" Hagrid was happy.

"Harry, look at me" as he did I took out my wand making Hagrid shrug visibly while I cast a silent repario on his glasses and transfigured his clothes to proper sizes and added a small-cap over his head to hide the scar. "Well that's good, isn't it. Now we will be away from prying paparazzis" I left the gobsmacked boy and Hagrid and slowly made way to the brick wall. "Now Harry, remember the combination of the path well" I said and tapped my wand on the bricks as the wall opened up showing the glory of Diagon alley.

"Where is the first stop Hagrid" I asked.

"Gringotts Professor" he said visibly uncomfortable. Dumbledore has given him a mission to retrieve you know what from you know which vault and he didn't want anyone to notice it.

I knew he didn't want me coming to Gringotts so I said "Alright then, you guys run along to take some money while I go to the bookshop and potion store for his materials. We can meet at Madam Malkins Robes for all occasions for his uniform. What do you think?" I said

"That's an excellent suggestion professor. We will meet you there." he replied.

"Harry would you give me the list that came with the letter" he obliged and I walked away from them to the bookstore with the list.

I ordered the necessary books, potion materials, telescope, and other stuff for school use. By the time I reached Madam Malkins, they have arrived and Harry went in for measurement while Hagrid went to Eeylops owl emporium. It seems like he is going to get Hedwig.

The boy's face was ecstatic when he saw the gift given to him by the giant outside the wand shop. Hagrid's chest puffed up in response to that. Once we went and got all his items sorted into a trunk Hagrid explained the need to go.

"Hagrid, of course, you have time for me to treat you both to ice cream at Florence after a hard day of work don't you?" I asked. Harry looked at me expectantly.

"I dunno professor, I am running an errand for Dumbledore. I can't be late" he mumbled.

"Have you taken the necessary vaccines one should take from St Mungos" I asked.

"What vaccines?" Hagrid chortled visibly uncomfortable.

"Ah, this is why normally professors guide children. Unlike magic-born, muggle-raised children are not vaccinated against diseases like dragon pox. It's normally the guide who directs the kids to St Mungos. If you are on a tight schedule, I can take him. Once done I'll take him back home on the Knight bus" I gave him a solution.

"Are ya sure it's not a bother?" Hagrid asked.

"Nonsense, now are you coming to Florence for Ice cream or getting back to your errand" I quipped.

"I better get back to my task" Hagrid said.

"Alright then, Harry follow me" I took the boy and went into florence.

"Two medium sundaes madam" I said and sat on a table near the window with Harry.

"Excuse me, professor what do you teach at Hogwarts" Harry asks shyly. It seems he is afraid of people.

"Well, I teach muggle studies. It is a 3rd-year elective so you won't be seeing me for the first two years at all" I replied to the shy boy.

The sundaes arrived and we started eating. Magical Ice creams are the best.

"I've got something for you Harry" the boys head perked up on hearing that.

I took the small box with the chocolate frog card of Circe. "It is not something precious, it was given to me by your father, who in turn obtained it from Cuthbert Binns. Mr. Binns is a professor at Hogwarts who teaches history. You will see him soon but don't tell him about this alright" I said.

The boy looked at the engravings and opened the box seeing only a card.

"It is a chocolate frog card. Circe was a transfiguration master in ancient Greece. This should be a collectors edition discontinued a long time ago" I brought a chocolate frog from the shop and showed him the card inside. "I know it isn't much" I said.

The boy's eyes teared up and said "No sir, thank you for this. I will keep it safe".

Once that was done we went to St Mungo's. They gave him the vaccines and several nutrition potions for his undernourished body.

"It seems like your muggle guardians don't treat you well. Should I come in and threaten them" I asked the boy with a wink.

He laughed and said no.

"I have placed a muggle repelling charm on your trunk, birdcage, and other stuff. They won't take it. Also when you get to King cross station to get to platform 9 3/4 you must walk between the pillar on platforms 9 and 10. It's magic and you will pass right through it" I said.

As we took the Knight bus and returned to 4 Privet Drive, I saw the magic of blood wards placed on the house. 'Should be the handiwork of old Dumbles' I thought.

"Well here is where we part Harry. Also, make sure you read the potions book front to back. Professor Snape your potions teacher likes to quiz kids on the very first day. He isn't too kind to students" I reminded him.

I watched as Harry entered the house and left to Leaky Cauldron by apparating.