Troll in the dungeons.

The classes progressed quite smoothly. All those students who knew Quirrell before were quite surprised when he turned out different from what they thought him to be. Rumors started spreading that he fought a dragon in Romania and found his inner courage. The third years were being molded by Leo into worshiping him as his classes were much more practical than even the defense against the dark arts taught by a stuttering Professor Dawlish.

Almost all the upperclassmen have been successful in performing Repello muggletum. Now the focus was on disillusionment, glamour, and notice me not charms to make sure one can travel the muggle world unimpeded. Even professor Flitwick has commented on Quirrell's use of various charms to enrich his muggle studies classes.

Soon it was Halloween. Pumpkin decorations and the smell of fresh pumpkin wafted across the great hall. It still amazed Leo how this community that thrived on magic looked so cool, yet had not made any progress in the past century or so.

As the Halloween feast commenced, a weary Dawlish ran across the hall. "Troll, troll in the dungeons. Thought you ought to know." and fainted.

'That truly was a fine piece of acting' I thought as the students started to panic and the headmaster silenced them. "Prefects will direct the students to the dormitories and teachers will follow me to the dungeons" he said.

I have already used UHM(Ultimate Hiding Method) and slowly made my way to the girl's bathroom where Hermione should be trapped. As I reached near it I felt the horrible stench coming from the corridor. It smelt like damp socks inside a closed room. I put up a bubblehead charm to filter the air and hastily made my way. I heard footsteps coming from behind.

The troll was in the bathroom smashing wooden doors as the bushy-haired girl tried to hide under the sink.

"Hey pea-brain" Ron called out to the troll.

As the troll ignored and went to Hermione I used a softening charm on the club. The club bounced off the sink and the troll looked surprised. Harry went up onto the head of the troll which started buckling him. The kid would have been a goner unless I have put a sticking charm on him. That's when I heard a low growl from my side.

'Crap Dawlish has sent more than one troll' there were five more slowly making their way to the bathroom following the commotion. I quickly sent a needle coated with acromantula venom into the eye of the troll that tried to hit Harry. It started feeling weak while I canceled the wooden clubs softening when Ron performed the levitation charm. 'I think they can take care of it'.

I jumped out to the corridor and fired five needles with extreme precision on the troll's eyes laced in paralytic poison. The trolls were agitated as I sent a Baubillious (lightning bolt) charm onto each of their heads. Troll skin is extremely resistant to magic but the needle in the eye was a good conductor. It fried the brains of the five trolls as they fell face down on the ground.

I made my way to the bathroom finding the golden trio safe and sound. I took a short turn around and found that Dumbledore and company were arriving on the scene. I canceled UHM and joined them following a few steps behind. Old Dumbles was preoccupied to notice me. As we reached the bathroom, Professor McGonagall let out a gasp.

"Explain yourselves now" she demanded.

"It was my fault professor. I've read about them and thought I could take one down. If not for Harry and Ron I would have died" the bushy-head answered.

Once McGonagall took away points for stupidly acting out and gave them points for dumb luck, the students retired.

Dumbledore looked at the corpse and told Snape to look the eye. "Seems like acromantula venom administered through the eye headmaster" he replied.

Dumbledore turned around and saw me standing beside McGonagall and was surprised, but he didn't show it. "It seems someone was looking out for the students but who and why did he not come forward to claim the credit" he said as his eyes twinkled as he looked at me.

I soon felt the probe on my mind. 'Time to disgust I guess'.

Soon I let old Dumbles in as I looked at the troll. He soon watched the memory of him being intimate with a lady troll. The fabricated Dumbles was snogging the troll and said "Let me give you some lemon drops girl" the memory ended with the bucktoothed troll giving the best smile it could.

Dumbledore faltered his steps and held onto a sink while looking pale.

"Are you alright headmaster, you seem a bit pale" I said.

Snape looked incredulously at me. 'What was this bald idiot thinking of that gave the headmaster a panic attack'.

"I am fine Professor Quirrell" the headmaster said.

"It must be the stench. I truly don't know how they reproduce. That stench should be off-putting for even a female troll" as I said this, the Headmasters face became even paler.

"Headmaster you've got to see this" the diminutive Flitwick came up to us and said.

As we walked to the other end of the corridor. The dead bodies of 5 trolls were lined up.

"It seems someone has used the Baubillious charm to fry their brains. But how is that possible. Trolls are extremely resistant to magic" commented Flitwick.

"It seems our mystery man used paralytic poison administered via long metal needles and used them as a conduit to channel lightning into their brains" the headmaster replied.

"That means the person has either extreme accuracy or sheer luck to attain a feat like this" commented an impressed McGonagall.

"It's not luck Minerva, I think a game is afoot and the trolls were just a distraction for us" the headmaster said as he paced towards the 3rd-floor corridor.

The alarms were tripped. But the intruder has left.

"The stone is safe. It seems whoever tried to go through was stopped in the nick of time" the headmaster said. "Let us retire for the day. House heads, please notify the children everything is fine and taken care of"

As the teachers headed off to their own chambers, Dumbledore's mind was a mess. 'Who the hell tried to get my stone?'. Quirrell was right with me and his mind is full of dogshit. Is it Dawlish? I need some lemon drops to calm my nerves'.