
Today was my 18th birthday. A moment ago, my little sister came to my room and gave me a birthday cake. The cake was beautiful. That was the only beautiful cake that I got in this life. But I didn't think that it would be poisonous.

I had been such a fool that I believed everyone. They suppressed me for eleven years by telling me that I didn't deserve anything good because I was a girl who was born of wedlock. But I didn't know it was all a lie. They lied to me for all these years.

I believed in a false relationship, a fake family, and everything that they told me. I vomited blood again but it was black blood. I think the poison entered my every cell and vein. Seeing my desperate last moment both of them laughed out out. Their laughter echoed throughout the mansion not only in my room I think.

How can no one come to this room when someone laughs out loud? 

"Brother do you think we did wrong while telling everything to her."

Sister said while asking her brother. But I couldn't see their face but I think it was a worrying voice that I felt. Of course, it was not me but for themselves.

"She will die a moment later. Don't you know that the dead human is the best for keeping secret?"

Brother assured her while saying to her.

What they said is true? Truly dead humans are best for keeping secrets because they can't tell anyone about what they know.


I laughed out a bitter sad laugh. No one knows what was I thinking even I also don't know. Even though I was dying, this kind of laugh came from me first time.

Both of them looked at her like they were looking at an insect. Suddenly Her false brother came over and pierced her heart with a sharp knife. She couldn't move but she felt the pain and groned a little. 

"Pain. I think I am leaving this world now."

On her eighteenth birthday, she left the world. The blood from her heart was flowing out and fell on the ground.

Suddenly I heard some voice from somewhere. I opened her eyes slowly and saw she was inside a big white room. 

"Where is this?"

I was surprised.

"Estelle, Estelle."

I heard a sound and looked around the room but couldn't see anyone.

"Who are you? Who is calling me?"

I asked while seeing no one there.

"You don't have to know who I am but you can't lose hope."

That person said in a wonderful voice. It was a voice that was very sweet but worried. Estelle was stunned for a moment, then she shook her head and asked again.

"Why are you telling me this? I died and I want to take rest forever."

Estelle lost all her hope to live again with the fake hope. So she decided she wouldn't listen to anyone.

"Indeed, you didn't get anything to this life but you can't slack off in this life."

"What do you mean by that?"

I asked. I didn't understand anything that I heard.

"It was your fate to die in this life so that you can unleash your power."

"Do I have power?"

I asked curiously. Even before I died they also told me that I had magic power.

"Yes. But your power was sealed."

"Who sealed my power and why?"

I asked anxiously and agitatedly.

"Your parents."


"Because if you get you at that time then your body will burst and you will die. Even your soul will also perish."

"Is that why I needed to die?"

"No. Your death was the conspiracy of your enemy. That's why you have to go there to live your life."

Hearing every word, I was thinking with suspicious eyes. What is true and what is wrong?

"I am dead or alive, why does it matter to you?"

I asked with all my courage. I don't know who am I talking to. But I heard after death the soul of a person returns to her creator.


The voice felt surprised. 

"Are you surprised?"

I asked with a smile and then added more.

"Why will I listen to you and live again? I didn't do any wrong things in my whole life, so I think I won't go to hell. Why do you think I will live and feel that undescribable death pain again? Am I a fool?"

Eventually, she was a fool. If not then how can she didn't understand the meaning of her fake relatives? She stopped talking for a moment after saying the word "fool".

"I think I am a fool."

I muttered.

"I want to ask how did I forget about my parents and think the other people were my blood relatives?"

I asked a question.

"They brainwashed you. Don't you want revenge?"

"I want revenge but I don't want to go there again. My parents are dead. I am alone why will I go there."

I was sad while saying all of this.

"But even if you don't want to go you will have to go."

"Will you force me to go?"

I asked but I felt sad inside. Her eyes and face were sad. At this moment she was feeling down.

"It's not that I will force to go a soul if they don't want to go. But your death time didn't come, also your work isn't done that you can come back."

"What do you mean by that? Come back? What was that?"

Even though I was sad I caught the important point. The wonderful voice holder also didn't think that some information would come out. 

"I can't say anything even if you threaten me. So don't even think about that."

"So you can also read the mind."

I didn't get an answer to this question but the voice came forward.

"Will you accept what I said before? If you accept then you will get your power back but if you don't then you will have to return there without your power like before. The choice is yours."

The voice becomes slightly harsh. Estelle was thinking but she took a little time.

"I can't give you any more time. So give me your answer. What do you want?"

The wonderful sweet voice becomes an astonishing hard voice. While thinking about what would I do, I heard that hard voice and was startled.

"What are you doing? I was startled by you. Compensate me for scaring me. If you don't then I won't go anywhere."

I said coldly. I also don't know why my voice becomes cold like winter snow.

"What do you want?"

That voice sighed and asked.

"I want to hear from you whenever I will call you. I will live how I want no one can interfere with that. Even God also can't."

"Hmm, alright."

"Also, you said I have power what kind of power do I have?"

I was thinking of getting everything I wanted this time. 

"You got abundant fire magic power. That power can destroy everything. That's why your parents sealed it."

"I don't want only that. Give me all kinds of magic power and divine power. Give me a weapon that can become any weapon if I want and no one will see it, also, no one will be able to touch my weapon. That weapon is for me alone. Also, make it happen that any kind of strength or power won't work on me."

Getting no sound from the other person, I added, "If you don't give me what I want then I won't return there and will live here with you. You won't be able to send me there."

"Okay. You will get what you want. So now you go."

"Did you hear what I said?"

I asked so that I could confirm that I wouldn't have to return to being a powerless person. I am fed up with being a powerless person.

"Yes, of course, I heard. I also said you will get what you want. So now go and don't disturb me."

"Then send me to where I was."

Saying this, I closed my eyes and was waiting to return to the world where I was living with my parents. But not the fake one, with real one.

Estelle returned to the world where she was living till her death. One thing she didn't know was that she wouldn't be able to get always what she wanted. It's because she didn't ask while wanting everything. It was her first mistake because she forgot to ask.

When I regained consciousness I heard someone crying while calling me.

"My lady, my lady."

Did I return after when they killed me? No, no, it won't be at that moment, right? If it is the moment I die then it will be wrong. Because there was no one by my side to cry for me. So when did I return? I have to open my eyes. 

I tried so much to open my eyes but I couldn't open my eyes. What happened to me? Why can't I open my eyes?

"My lady, don't die. What will I do if you also die?"

Someone said while crying.

Who died? Why did she say don't die to me? Why will I die? Didn't I return from that big white room? The voice also told me that I would get what I wanted. But then who died and why will I die again? What's happening to me?

Then another person entered the room and said, "Bia, don't cry. If you cry then who will see, my lady."

It was a man's voice. No, it was an old man's voice. I know this voice. But where did I hear this voice?

"Head butler."

She said while crying.

"What will I do? Master and madam died and didn't even pass seven days but the little lady became sick. What will I do now? What will I say to master if they ask me after I die?"

"What are you saying, Bia?"

The head butler becomes angry for no reason.

"Why will little lady will die? Don't you know the little lady is only seven years old? Master and madam sealed her magic power but after hearing about their death she unleashed that seal. So she is having a fever. The little lady will be okay after resting for three days."

The head butler remembered her.

"Yes, yes. How could I forget about that?"

She said while wiping her tears with her hand.

But suddenly her voice became cold. I didn't expect that the person who was crying like a baby could also make that kind of voice.

I was also surprised to hear that cold voice with mixed anger. Who was she talking about that made her angry so much? But why don't I remember to unleash my power?