Strange Sparks

(Isabella POV)

“You can place him on that bed,” I said as I entered the clinic room. Today we didn’t have many patients, only an old man and a soldier who will be discharged tomorrow.

I walked to the cabinet and took out the necessary medicines. I then warmed some water and grabbed a clean towel.

By the time I returned to my new patient his shirt was drenched in blood. I quickly removed his shirt and started cleaning the wound.

I could feel some kind of sparks while my hand touches his skin but I tried to ignore it. Maybe I was just getting paranoid.

“It seems like he is from the D- section of the alpha team,” Daniel said looking at the man’s uniform.

The soldiers in fighting are categorized into different types. Alpha is the highest top ranking soldier and the D section is the sniffle department.

“His name is Killian,” he said as I looked at him confused.

“How did you…” I started to ask but he stopped me midway as he pointed at the badge on the uniform.

“Oh,” I said nodding.

I looked at the wound and cringed at the dark veins protruding.

“Zylian Poison,” Daniel said as I nodded worriedly.

Zylian poisons are very dangerous for humans. If we don’t get the proper medication we are sure to die the most painful death.

“Those aliens are going out of hand” Daniel growled as I sighed and slowly cleaned the wound.

“We need to do a surgery to take out the bullet or he might die. Can you please call Nancy and Jaylen” I said as Daniel nodded and quickly walked away.

I made my way to the operation theatre and prepared the necessary. I sighed as I saw the medicines are almost finished.

I should contact the government for restocking.

“You called us?” Jaylen asked walking into the room.

“A man is injured. Bullet pierced through his abdomen along with the fast spreading of Zylian poison. We need to do the surgery fast and alongside start the blood purification” I said as he nodded and walked to the clinic room.

The surgery took about 4 hours but in the end, we were successful. My shoulders were stiff and I wanted nothing more than to sleep.

But unfortunately, I can’t. Someone needs to take care of him.

I told Nancy and Jaylen to take rest and Daniel has gone to his headquarters which leaves me alone with this man.

I stared at his face studying all his facial features. He is handsome, no doubt about that.

He seems strange... so different.

His skin is flawless and awfully pale. His hair was a mixed color of White and Silver. Even his eyelids are almost white.

I remember his eyes were beautiful gold. It held many emotions as he stared at me- Pain, confusion, shock, and fear. Those eyes were enchanting and I felt myself get a weird feeling the moment our eyes met.

My heart skipped a beat.

My heart somehow hurts to see him like this. I have treated many men and women who have been involved in this dreadful war. Many with much worse conditions.

But somehow seeing this man on the bed covered in bandages made my heart ache.

“Is he better now?” A voice came from behind startling me.

“Daniel! You scared me! I thought you went to the camp base.” I said as he laughed.

“Yes, I forgot to return this,” he said as I took the blanket I lend him the last time he came.

“Thank you,” I said as he nodded.

“How is he? Will he wake up soon?” He asked as I looked at the man in the bed.

“I guess you can say he is alright. The poison has been removed but I doubt he will be able to walk for some time. His spinal has been injured so he will need Physiotherapy.” I said as he nodded.

“Well he is in capable hands” He replied as I smiled and nodded.

After talking for some more time, he made his way back to his camp base.

I passed time by cleaning the clinic and reading a book.

A groan echoed through the air as my eyes widen.

“Mr. Killian!” I called as I ran to his side. His eyes were still closed but he was sweating a lot.

“Mr. Killian, are you alright?!” I asked again touching his hand. My eyes widen as I felt a wave of sparks and warmth.

What is this feeling....?

I touched his cheek but had to retrieve it back when I felt a wave of sparks. This time it was much more evident.

He seems to have felt it too as he twitched his eyebrows before opening them up. He looked around confused but soon his rare hazel color eyes landed on me, staring at me making me feel self-conscious.

“Hello, Mr. Killian” I smiled nervously.