(Isabella POV)
“Your wound is healing really good. At this rate, we can start our therapy soon.” I commented as I once again changed his bandage.
“Thank you,” he said as I smiled and nodded.
It’s been 2 days since he came here. He doesn’t speak much but he stares a lot. I would always feel his eyes on me when I work. On top of that, he doesn’t allow any other doctors to treat him.
It was like he only trust me. A smile made way to my face on that thought before I shook my head.
Bad Isabella!
Today the clinic was a bit busy. There are many people who are wounded since there was a sudden Zylian attack. The soldiers were cursing the Zylians for the sudden merciless attack.
Unfortunately, they attacked a travel bus carrying women and children to the new camp base. But lucky for us, none were killed.
Many of them were wounded badly and some of them even needed risky surgery.
The whole day has worn me out but it’s my job.
“Are you alright?” Killian asked as I smiled and nodded.
“Yea. It was kind of busy today. Took a lot of energy” I said as he frowned.
“You can go and sleep,” he said as I laughed.
“We need to change your medicine in the middle of the night. Will you allow the others to do it?” I asked pointing to Nancy and Jaylen.
He frowned, even more, looking at them.
I couldn’t help but reach out my hand to smoothen the lines on his forehead.
But just like other times, he grabbed my wrist.
“I’m sorry,” I said as he nodded and looked away.
I sighed as I finished his bandages and went to the kitchen.
I stared at my hands before forming a fist. I tapped my forehead in frustrated at what I did.
I know he refuses to let me touch him other than when I’m doing a check-up. Even then he tenses his body.
What was I doing? I’m so confused with what I’m feeling right now. I feel like I’m not me around him.
I feel an urge to give him special care. To give him all my priority. It’s strange how bad I always want to be around him.
“Do you need anything, Doctor?” A familiar voice came from behind.
“Oh hey, Neha” I greeted one of the cooks.
“I just came for some water,” I said as she nodded.
“Did you bring the jar?” she asked as I blinked a few times before my eyes widen.
“Shit! I forgot! I will go get it!” I said walking out but she stopped me.
“It's ok. You can bring it next time. I will give you in another one” she said as I smiled and nodded.
“Thank you”
After returning back to the clinic I walked around tending other patients. I stared at the curtain which covers Killian from the other people.
I sighed and shook my head as I continued to work.
“You seem to be sighing a lot,” Jaylen asked as he came and sat next to me.
“I’m just tired,” I said as he smiled and nodded.
The clinic was now at peace as we settled everyone.
Suddenly a hand grabbed under my chin before I was turned to face him.
“Your face is flushed. I think it's better you call it a day and rest. I will take the night shift today” he said, his eyes filled with worry.
“Isabella! I need water!” A voice echoed loudly making us both jump.
I looked at Killian as he glares at Jaylen. It shocked me as I saw him looking at Jaylen with pure hatred.
“I’m coming,” I said as my heart beat fast.
Why am I getting so frustrated when he called my name?
"I will go give him," Jaylen said but I shook my head.
"No. He is still tensed around others"
He rarely calls my name. Hell, he rarely talks!
But his voice just sent shivers throughout my body.
“Y-your water” I mumbled as I handed him a glass of water.
He silently took it and I watched as he gulp it down in one go.
“Do you need anything else?” I asked as he shook his head.
“Ok then. I will be at my table” I said but a hand quickly grabbed my wrist.
I turned around and looked at him with wide eyes but he seems to be just as shocked as me. He was staring at his hand which grabbed mine.
Immediately he let go and let out a cough looking away.
“Um. Sorry. I’m just um bored?” he said but it was a question at the end.
“Um… So... um… would you like me to accompany you?” I asked as he nodded quickly.
“That would be nice.”