Should i tell?

(Notice - The one’s in italic means the native language of Zylians)

(Prince Nyx POV)

The door opened, and the light blinded my eyes for a few seconds. I took a deep breath before walking my way to the throne room.

“Prince Nyx" A familiar void voice came as I bowed down.

“Father," I said, changing to my native language as he nods.

He looks different from the last time I saw him. His white beard has grown longer, and his eyes look tired. He also seems to lose a lot of weight. All that remains the same was his neutral face.

“I am glad you are alive, son," he said as I sigh.

Come on, father. I know you missed me. Just show it out like old times.

“You have proved yourself brave by surviving on that planet for almost 3 weeks. But please after this go to the medical room to have a check-up."He said as I nod.

“How is mother?" I asked.

“She is fine, now that you are here. You can meet her after the checkup" he said as I nod before bowing and excusing myself out.