What are you hiding

(Isabelle POV)

"Are you sure he is perfectly healthy for everything? I mean shouldn't you give some precautions like no training or anything" I asked worried as both Nyx and the doctor smiled at me.

"I am 100 percent fine, Isabelle," Nyx said as the doctor nodded.

"His vitals are normal and so is the analysis. Why should we restrict someone who is perfectly healthy?" the doctor said as I frowned.

Today Nyx is being released from the hospital. The doctor delivered the happy news by saying he is now perfect to get into the field and kick some asses.

I mean which doctor says that?! He was injured and very serious. He was on the verge of death and the doctor didn't even give a little restriction.

"I am fine, I promise," he said kissing my forehead as soon as the doctor went out.

"But I am still restricting you from practice and such things involving body movement," I said as he raised his eyebrow at me.