
(Isabella POV)

I looked around in caution as we passed by people. Until now we are unrecognized by the people. My cap was lowered up to my nose although I have put on makeup similar to the girl.

This girl was seriously a fashion iconic at such a disastrous moment. I mean who goes to war with red lipstick?

"Good day, Natalia," another man said as I nodded returning a quick greeting. Looks like she is very popular among the men here.

Nyx was really close to me and luckily he got a man who is similar to his behavior. None of the people greeted him but either lowered their heads in respect or tensed.

"How long?" he whispered close to me when the corridor becomes less crowded.

"I don't know. We need to find a map and fast. We can't risk getting caught" I said as he nods.

"How do we get the map," he asked as I frowned and shrugged.

"I have no idea. But we need to do something" I said but stopped as a girl stopped in front of me.

I tensed as she stared at me.