Chapter 99

"So," he asked Daniel while struggling to tie his apron. "where do I start?"

The latter stared at him for a long while and burst into wild laughter.

I am surrounded by mad people. 


"Mahn. Mr Kevin has no chills. I'm steering clear of his way next year." Lina's voice drifted in the room on loudspeaker. 

"No chills." Cleo echoed while scribbling down her answers to her math homework. The clock in her room chimed. It was 8:00 pm. 

"Why didn't you just get someone to do it for you though?" Lina asked and she paused. 

Good question. 

"Well... It didn't occur to me."

Lina giggled. "Suuure. I'll bet that all you thought about was spending time with that tall delicious hunk."

"Stop it, Lina. It is getting old." 

"Oh shush. You don't fool me, Cleo. Heck, half the school know you're crazy about him. And Melinda saw you two come out of the Janitor's closet. You sly girl."