Day 2: {Breaking Into A Bunker}

Since I'm most likely the only person with a a way to short-circuit the electric bunker locks that haven't opened, I decided that I'm gonna try and loot some dead people's bunkers. That sounds evil, until you realize that most people around here are probably in the town, and humanity would definitely want me to survive. I mean the dead know nothing at all, it doesn't bother me one bit. If anything, if these people were alive, they probably would want me to come in here and steal all their food and water if they died. I wish I had water purification tablets, even if the water is partially contaminated, it would be miniscule and I'd probably die from cancer in like 10 years. I dunno if I can last that long so I'd be able to live with that.

I dunno how humanity rebuilds from this. Maybe find a way to make it to like, Hawaii, Australia, or what's left of Alaska, raise cockroaches to eat along with just eating potatoes. Because that's the only real way I can see humanity realistically continuing.

And that's if I can steal that water making technology from that scientist guy, or get him on my squad.

Since he makes the water, he might be getting fed more, but knowing that that woman is their president, since they idiotically have a president, we know who really controls the water.

I stink. Thankfully, soap and deodorant doesn't expire, just because I haven't bathed in a year doesn't mean I don't clean myself.

Okay enough rambling, time to go all in and open the first bunker. This bunker I knew the person, I dunno if she lives in the town now or if she's dead. Her name is/was Sashi, an Indian woman I met about a week before the nukes were dropped.

I tase the lock, and




it opened.

Took a lot of energy though, but I was able to short circuit the motherboard, allowing me to open the lid.


She was a beautiful woman, and I smell a rotting corpse, seems like she didn't make it, but she died recently since the stench is recent, maybe like 1-2 months ago. I know this stuff because my first job was a janitor for a mortician's office. Don't ask, I was 13.

Lots of food, no water.

This seems like it will become a recurring theme, people like me that didn't know that the air was clean stayed inside, didn't have enough water to last however long they were planning on staying inside, they dehydrate, and go kaput.

Her wedding ring is here...

Her husband died in the war. She was still wearing it until the end. I'll take this, just because if I wash it, maybe I can give this to my future wife, if that ever happens.

She also had some hygiene products like toilet paper in here so I took that as well.

I plan on looting only one bunker a day to a week. Because if I get too greedy looting these makeshift tombs, I could get caught by that family, and if my taser runs out of juice, I may only be able to stop Armin. Lou for all I know could be ex-military with that slender, but muscular body. It gets boring living outside without much to do. Doesn't surprise me they work out.

I don't want to demand my body too much water, hence why I only really worked out once a week in my bunker.

They have an infinite supply of water, which means they've been able to work out more.

In a fight between Lou and I, Lou wins, my muscles haven't atrophied, but she's been able to consistently work out and get stronger. I'd be at a strength disadvantage right off the bat. But either way, I'm screwed. So it's good to be sneaky, steal some food for now, and find other things to trade with them.

If I start a cockroach farm, maybe I can sell roasted cockroaches for water. For now at the very least.

That actually seems like a plan.

I NEED water, I gained about 60 cans of food from Sashi's bunker. Which is absolutely amazing. My food problem seems to be good for now, but my water problem is the biggest one.

I check what each food is, it's canned meat, which sounds weird to be eating a year later, but I saw that canned meat actually lasts the longest, up to 10 years depending. What I'm really hoping on finding eventually is honey though, that stuff lasts forever.

Enough being scatterbrained, I'm tired.