The night of the kidnap: Long chapter ahead!

As Madeline massaged Susan's legs with castor oil at the foot of the bed, she read from a worn, familiar book, The Scarred Heart. The book brought back memories of Edmund, and the night they shared, discussing its contents. 


He walked towards her bed and picked up a book. His brows arched when he saw the title, "Scarred Hearts?" 

"It's a tragic story,"

"I wouldn't have guessed. They look quite happy on the cover. Tell me about it, if you don't mind." He patted the bed, "You are welcome to join me. I don't bite."

She smiled, "It is my bed and I see no fangs."

"My bad," He grinned when she made herself comfortable on the bed. 

"Do you still want to hear about the story?"

"Yes, of course." He focused his attention on her face when she cleared her throat.