Silver spoon

"Well it's Rhett whom interviewed me on my first day here"

Letting out a helpless chuckle, "Ahh, look at the way you called his name with all boldness and guts, you too must be familiar and informal with boss Rhett."

"Why not? I see him as a nice person, he is also a friendly, lively and free m– Amber stopped midway when she heard her phone rings.

Looking at the caller ID, she got excited when she saw who it was. Wanting to answer the call, Lizzie gestured her to stop.

"Hey Amy, I don't think you should answer any calls right now because it's working hours and it's included in the dos and don't of the company, that employees are not allowed to pick calls during working hours, no matter how important the call is" Lizzie whispered.

Amber has no ideas about the dos and don't of the company. She got the job yesterday and joined the company today so how on earth is she supposed to know the rules of the company?

It's her first time to work with her degrees, she have never worked in a large and famous company like Warren Corporation Group. If not for Evelyn and Rhett who approved her resumes, she don't think she would be working as an employee in the company.

After graduating from college, Amber's biggest hope was to work in a big company who pays enough to clear her bills and now her request was granted.

Frowning her face with the phone still ringing, Amber asked, "and why? It's my Mom calling, so I can't pick my mom's call because of what sarcastic rules and regulations?"

"Ok fine but please be careful when you're sneakily receiving the call so the two bosses doesn't get you. Lizzie whispered.

Vigorously nodding her head, "Ok I will better hide under the table, I think it's much better that way" when Lizzie gives Amber a thumbs up, she secretly sneaked and hide under her desk before any other person catches her.

Picking the call after four ringings, "Bueno días Mami, ¿cómo estás?– what? When? I knew it, I knew that madame Sara is going to trouble you today but– okay I think I still have some money left with me, I will send some money into your account now alongside with my house address, okay? And don't worry about anything, okay? Infact I asked Diego to come live with me."

Diego is Ingrid's late sister's son, Mrs Bianca Grande. Diego is 18 years old, he is a scholar in Harvard university. When they say some people are born with a silver spoon, don't you think it also includes intelligence, smartness, cleverness, sharpness and intellectuality?

Because Diego is a victim of them all, although he is young, handsome, stunning, good-looking with his facial features and curly blonde hair that touches his shoulders but he is still poor and intelligent. His intelligent has taken him somewhere better than his least expectations.

Lot's of girls in his age are dieing to be with him despite he's not rich and wealthy but his handsomeness can make a girl cling to him.