Cup of coffee

Gavin office

Picking up a document from his desk, Gavin opened it to read the content inside.

Just then a knock at the door interrupted him, "come in"

"Good morning boss" Amber walked towards his desk.

Staring at her for some few seconds, Gavin nodded and continued reading the documents.

"Boss would you mind if I invade your office for a while?"

When Gavin gave her a confused look, she added, "I mean would you mind if I have a seat? I just need to fix  your schedule calendar for today."

When Gavin nodded his head, Amber quietly drew out the seat across the desk and sat on it.

While she was busy writing down the schedule, Gavin was sneakily staring at her unknowing to her.

Gavin still imagine if this is really the woman that was rocking out her soul in the video last night, he's still wondering because it's still difficult for him to believe his own eyes and ears after seeing and hearing how beautifully she sang.

Wow she has such beautiful and lovely vocals. Gavin is a lover of music but he has never heard such sweet voice in music for his lifetime.

He has heard many female artist and singers singing but Amber's tone was just so different from the others or is it because she's a Spanish woman?

No he doubt it, her language has nothing to do with her sweet vocals, if he was to be a music teacher, he would rate her 100/100 because she passed it beyond passing.

Still staring at her continuously, Gavin couldn't take his eyes off her gaze. Why is he staring at her like that? What if he catches him staring at her, don't he think she's going to feel uncomfortable?

But he still can't take his eyes off her no matter how hard he try, why will she have to come into his office to write the schedule? Why didn't she do it in her department? And now she's making him to stare at her, Why? What's up with his brain anyway? Or do he really need to visit a therapist?

He is supposed to read the document and not to stare at her. Gavin tried to concentrate on document but he still couldn't focused or is it because she's still present in his office? Why did he permit her to invade his office? He has never allowed any employees to sit in his office nor write on top of his desk but he gave her a chance to. Why?

"Boss am done with– boss are you okay? Amber reframed her words when she caught Gavin staring at her but he quickly composed himself and end up acting awkward.

Awkwardly scratching his forehead, Gavin said, "hmm me, I mean are you– giving her a weak smile, he added, "sure am fine"

Frowning confusedly, Amber has no idea why he is acting so strange and weird, "Boss do you need a cup of coffee?"

Vigorously nodding his head, "Yes please get me a cup of coffee"

"Ok I will be back shortly"

When Amber left the office, Gavin slapped his forehead and curse himself.

"Idiot Gaven Warren, you're such a big idiot, why was I staring at her? That's not right, it's not appropriate, it's not– Gaven stopped midway when he saw Amber walked in with a cup of coffee on her hand.