Two career things

Warren Corporation Group

Evelyn office

Scrolling Amber's phone, Lia chuckled, "Damn girl you're gonna get popular if you make a VEVO video of this" looking at a demo freestyle video of Amber crazily rocking the guitar with her hair messed up all over her face.

"Well am still working on my tracks, am not done with them yet"

"But why?" Showing one of Amber's music post to her, "look, you have 3 million likes and 4·3 million comments just in five days and you are still slacking behind?"

"Lia is right, Amber if you make a mind blowing VEVO video with this same track, damn you're going to go viral on the music industry"

Taking a deep breath, Amber sighed, "I know Evelyn but this is just a freestyle, I didn't write them down, I just reminisce it out of my brain"  rolling her eyes off.

Curling her lips upwards, Miranda snapped her fingers when she thought of something, "ahhh, how about we feature ourselves with you in the music video"

Frowning confusedly, Amber asked, "feature? Like how?"

"I mean what if Evelyn, Lia and I join you in your music video?" Pausing for a while, she added, "we are your friends, right? So I thought what if all three of us show up on the screen alongside with you"

Widening her eyes in shock, Amber gasp, "ahhh that's a good idea Mira, it going to look more colorful"

"Great idea Mira, that's a good one, at least it's gonna make my best friend's music video go viral on the internet world" turning towards Amber, Evelyn added, "So what do you think Amy"

"Hmm it's a good idea but I want to complete my album first"

"Like how many tracks are you planning to release?"

"Let's say about seven? But I can't really tell right now because am still working on two songs in the studio, my producer told me to take it step by step"

Raising her eyebrows up and down simultaneously, Evelyn grinned, "hmm, I never knew you were going to take it serious"

With a weird look on her face, Amber asked, "what do you mean by I was wasn't going to take it serious?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Evelyn pursed her lips, "umm back then in college, you weren't serious with your music career but it's surprising to see how serious you are now"

Rolling her eyes, "That's because I wanted to face my studies first and now that am done with college and have started working, isn't it obvious enough for me to cope with my musical career?"

Running her hands on her hair, Lia helplessly shook her head, "you know what Amy, I love your kind of personality"

Pausing for a while, she added, "you are an independent woman"

"Let's say because my best friend doesn't have a boyfriend yet?" When Amber glare at her, Evelyn quickly composed herself and reframed her words. "Okay sorry but you know am speaking correctly."

Widening her eyes in shock, Miranda gasp, "Amy don't have a boyfriend? Why?"

"Can you guys just cut it out? I don't have time for that right now, I am not depending on anyone, okay? I can pay my bills myself and the last time I checked, I have two careers."

Leaning towards her, Evelyn patt her shoulders, "bestie I am happy for your two career things but you still need someone who will always keep you company in every area of your life"