Ordinary employee

Letting out a mockery chuckle, Collins said, "there better be nothing between you two because–  you know what?" Getting up from the chair, he added, "better postpone whatever meeting you're having this weekend and take Stacey Batesville out, give her a long drive through the city"

"Dad?" Gavin called Collins who was already at the door entrance about to go out.

Turning back, he raised his eyebrows up, "Yes?"

Narrowing his eyes, Gavin said, "if I want to make Ms Carlos my new assistant, I still will do it and don't be shock when next you come here and see her as my assistant"

Tightening his grip on the door, Collins gritted his teeths, "Then she should be prepared for a sack letter, oh yes I personally will be the one to fire her"

Tightening his grip around his pen, Gavin frowned deeper, "you know what? I will postpone my appointment with my clients this weekend but it's not going to be for Stacey's sake but for Ms Carlos sake"

Widening his eyes in shock, Collins gritted his teeths, "I don't know the connection you have between that latin woman but whatever it is, it better end now"

After Collins annoyingly barged out of the office, Gavin groan in frustration, resting his elbows on the desk, he massaged his forehead, burying his face on his hands, he immersed in a deep thoughts.

Getting out of his daze, he tried to focus on the documents still lying on his desk but he couldn't concentrate, his mind was still distracted by the thought of Amber.

His father wouldn't have insulted her that way, she was just trying to assist Frances in his job too, that wasn't an offense, but he think his father is somehow right.

What connection does he have with Ms Carlos? First he gave her a lift which he hardly and barely do for someone, second he helped her finish up her task which he has never done for an employee or anybody in the company no matter who that person is to him.

Thirdly, he wiped off her tears with his own handkerchief, damn he has never ever pet someone let alone calming the person down but he pets Ms Carlos, he even cracked some funny jokes with her using Mr Mackey.

When was the last time he made funny jokes for anyone? There was no time he joked or laughed with someone, it has never happened and he has never done such in his entire life before.

He is always serious in whatever thing he does, he barely and hardly laugh but Ms Carlos made him laughed out loud even when Rhett, Derek and Tyson were standing presently.

He barely talk to women but he always talk more with Ms Carlos, he even asked her to play a song for him on the live video last night.

And now he liked her everyday coffee but he is lying to himself, he always deceive himself by saying he wants her to do the schedule thing all in the name of the delicious coffee but it's not just for the coffee's sake but also to see her beautiful face every day.

And not just that alone, he is also planning to postpone his business meeting with two clients just because of Ms Carlos sake, he have never postpone a business meeting neither has he missed any.

But he is doing it for the first time in five years.

Is he postponing the appointment because he wants to dare his father or it's because of Ms Carlos birthday?

What's wrong with him, what's this strange attitude and feeling he is developing for an ordinary employee in his company?

He knows that this is not right neither is it supposed to happen, he is not supposed to think or feel anything outside a Boss and employee thing.

Slamming the desk, he groan fustratedly, massaging his forehead, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and sighed.