

Amber's apartment

Scrolling her phone, Ingrid sipped from her cup of tea. "Diego look at this"

Showing some riddles on Facebook to Diego who was seated next to her on the couch. "It says, 'I am an object, I walk through a black bush, what am I?' what do you think is the correct answer to this question?"

Taking the phone from her hand, Diego chuckled, "Mom, this is so easy and the answer is a 'comb'

Frowning confusedly, "a comb?" When Diego nodded his head, she added, "how come it's a comb?"

"Well, if you look at the given question properly, then you'll know that it's a comb"

Sitting cross-legged on the couch, Ingrid faced Diego and said, "okay that means our hair represents itself as the black bush while the comb represents itself as the object walking through the bush"

Snapping his fingers, Diego nodded, "correct mom"

"But not all hairs are black, we also have blonde, Brunette just like Amber's and also platinum blonde, brown, gray, white and many more"

"Yes mom but you see black is– Diego stopped midway when someone knocked on the door.

"Diego, are you expecting someone today?"

Getting up from the couch, "no mom, today is Sunday and probably the entire neighborhood should be in church"

Arranging her hair, Ingrid composed herself before Diego opens the door.

Placing his hand on the doorknob, Diego opened the door only for him to see Gavin standing at the door with some files in his hands. He was looking so handsome, stunning and cool even more than yesterday.

Looking at the stiffed and shocking Diego who was standing rooted with his eyes and mouth wide open. Gavin awkwardly cleared his throat.

Blinking his eyes, Diego slapped his forehead and smiled, "ahh good morning uncle Gavin"

"Good morning Diego, can I come in?"

"Yes, yes, come in" Diego walked in, leaving the door open for Gavin to shut.

Leaving the entrance to the main sitting room, Gavin raised an eyebrow when he saw someone looking like Amber seated on the couch but it wasn't Amber. He guess that should be Mrs Carlos.

"Mom, meet Aunt Amy's Boss, uncle Gavin" Diego introduced.

Getting up from the couch, Ingrid smiled, stretching out her hand for an handshake. "Hello sir it's nice to meet you"

Receiving her hand, Gavin chuckled, "nice to meet you too Mrs Carlos and please call me Gavin, Sir is way too formal"

Nodding her head, Ingrid smile, "Yes Gavin"

Looking around, "uhh is Ms Carlos in?"

"Yes she's upstairs still sleeping" settling down on the couch, Ingrid replied.

Glancing at his watch, Gavin raised his eyebrows, "it's 8:40, does she sleep so much on weekends?"

Sitting next to Ingrid, Diego laughed, "uncle Gavin, it's like you don't know Aunt Amy yet, she can sleep from 7pm to 1pm the next day without waking up"

Frowning confusedly, "okay I'll assume that's because it's weekend and everyone needs time to rest but in her case, it's too much"

Getting up from the couch, Ingrid chuckled, "I will go and wake her up" Ingrid head upstairs to Amber's bedroom, leaving Diego and Gavin alone in the sitting room.

Moving from the couch, Diego swipe himself towards Gavin's couch. Staring at Gavin who was busy checking through the files.