Rockstars, Popstars and Rappers

Pointing at himself, "am Mr Kevin" pointing at the two women beside him. "And these are Mrs Donald and Mrs William. We are from Hollywood and we actually came to see Amy Rockie"

Frowning confusedly, Amber awkwardly scratched her head. "Me? Hope am safe"

"Yes you're safe" sitting properly, Mr Kevin sighed and said, "it's also a big privilege for us to meet one of our biggest celebrity in the country seated next to you, Gavin Warren"

Awkwardly scratching his head, Gavin gave him a weak smile.

Turning towards him, Amber smiled and nodded. Turning towards Mr Kevin, she said, "okay you can talk to me now or do you want to speak with me in private?"

"No it's alright, we can talk here. Well we actually want to hire you to play a romantic song for us in a movie and–

Widening her eyes in shock, Amber asked, "Movie? Romantic? What is a rockstar doing in a romantic movie like I don't understand it's confusing"

"Well actually it's not just a rockstar only but also some other artist as well." Kevin said.

"Artist like popstar Jena de Venta, rapper kilos, rapper Ramirez, popstar Amira, popstar blanket, rockstar Petra and rapper tootsie step" Mrs Donald said.

For a moment Gavin frown annoyingly when he heard tootsie step's name mentioned among the artists.

He was not liking it at all, why would they hire Amber in something that tootsie step is involved in? It's not fair neither is it right towards him.

How will he allow Amber to participate in something that has to do with that idiotic element of no use? Huh?

On the other side Amber was nervous and excited at the same time. She can't believe that her name was mentioned among the most popular and famous artists and celebrities in the whole of America.

Those artists have won lots of nominations and Grammy awards, including tootsie step. She don't like it when they mentioned tootsie step's name in the movie but although she can't reject the offer just because tootsie step is involved.

Everyone will have their part to play right? So what are we waiting for? Let's begin the negotiations ASAP. Amber curled her lips upwards making Gavin frown the more.

"So how is this going to go? Are we all collaborating together? Or differently?" Amber asked curiously.

She can collab with the other artists but not tootsie step. Rapper kilos and rapper Ramirez are rough guys too, they have tattoos on their bodies but they aren't as bad as tootsie step.

The artist that's entice Amber the most was rockstar Petra. Damn that girl is crazily in love with rock. Amber has watched so many of her music video and she's her biggest fan too.

Petrarchan is a native of Belgium, she started singing at the early age of 8 and she became famous at the age of 14.

There are lots of famous artists in the whole of America but why do Hollywood chose to pick Amber?

Amber wondered why and how they knew about her. She only freestyles songs and make cool videos out of it. Is not as if she's an unknown artist, no she's not.