Biggest celebrities

The money wasn't the big deal but the strength and effort to be spent on this romantic movie soundtrack.

Diego on the other hand kept on grinning, raising his eyebrows up and down simultaneously when he saw the long zeros attached to the numbers.

The thought of him riding a Black Mercedes sedan 4D to college every morning made him felt like a boss on the top world and the thought of Amber and Ingrid being the boss ladies in town made him feel giddy like someone in cloud nine.

Nodding her head, Amber gave them a weak smile, "so what does this movie talks about so I can know how to compose my tracks"

"Good question Amy Rockie, this movie consist of hates, greed, sex, love, envy, lust, heartbreaks, romance, action, comedy and drama. And it's titled 'Kiss me black and blue'

Frowning confusedly with a weird look on her face, Amber helplessly shook her head. "Weird"

Adjusting his coat, Kevin said, "and mind you Amy Rockie, you're to come alongside with your boyfriend so–

Widening her eyes in shock, Amber shouted, "boyfriend?"

Nodding her head, Mrs Donald chuckled. "Yes Amy Rockie, your boyfriend needs to be with you all throughout the music video shootings in–

Frowning her face, "wait a minute, I don't get it, I thought it's just an audio track thing"

"Yes it's an audio and video track too because we are going to release the songs out to the nationwide. You know after watching the movies on Netflix, citizens and people will want to get the video and audio of the songs so that's why we recommend both"

Slapping her forehead, Amber cursed herself for not having a boyfriend. Diego pinched himself hard until he screamed 'ouch' him too blame his sister for not having a boyfriend.

Gavin on the other hand understand how disappointed Amber was. He won't allow her miss an opportunity like this just because she doesn't have a boyfriend.

He thought of something for a while and gave a sly smile.

"It's a pleasure you all are seeing Amy Rockie's boyfriend live and direct" Gavin smiled.

Widening their eyes in shock, Amber and Diego opened their mouths in shock when they head what Gavin just said.

Slowly turning her head towards him, Amber pitched him hard with her finger.

"Ouch! Ms car– pausing his lips, Gavin crossed his hand round her shoulders and pulled her closer to himself with a smiling face. "Hey darling we're goin to be together in Florida, how is that?"

Amber who was still suppressing the urge of squeezing her boss's neck, took a deep breath and sighed.

Nodding her head she faked a smile and joined his dramatic club. "Yeah, yeah, yeah sure"

Widening their eyes, Kevin, Mrs Donald and Mrs William were startled.

"Wow! Amy Rockie how come do we not know about your relationship with one of the biggest celebrity?" Kevin asked.

"We started dating two weeks ago" Gavin retorted.

"Oh wow and now the movie is about to go viral on the world's screen" Kevin gasped.

Frowning confusedly, Amber asked, "what do you mean by it's gonna go viral on the world's screen?"

"Are you kidding me Amy Rockie? You're sitting next to the country's best celebrity and if participate in your music video on this movie, damn the whole planet will want to watch the movie. Be it interesting or not, they will be anxious to see his presence in it"

"And your music is going to be in the first top five this same month" Mrs Williams added.