Stripped naked

"No, no, no, you've slept enough last night" getting her up from the bed, Gavin placed her to sit up, making sure that the duvet cover doesn't slip off from her chest.

Wiping her eyes with the back of her hands, Amber yawned and opened her eyes only for to find Gavin staring back at her.

Widening her eyes, she shouted, "aaaah!"

"Why did you scream? You saw a ghost?"

Nodding her head, "no but you scared me" looking at his whole muscular body, she added, "you're dressed up so quick"

Giving her a long kiss in her lips, Gavin sighed and nodded, "yes baby, I don't want you to arrive late for your practice, so get up now and be punctual"

"Gracias Amor" pushing the duvet cover aside, she walked down from the bed with no clothes but Gavin wasn't looking as he was too busy scrolling his phone.

Few minutes later she walked out of the bathroom, forgetting to tie a towel on her chest. Slapping her forehead, she cursed herself, "oh Amber, you're acting foolish again"

Looking at Gavin who was still busy scrolling his phone, Amber sighed. She don't see anything wrong with staying naked because she thinks it's normal sometimes and also a free world, nothing can happen.

"Can you please pass me the towel on the bed?"

"The tow–oh shit!" Gavin quickly turned his face away, although they're in a relationship now but that doesn't mean he should act like a jaguar or pounce on her to eat her up.

He need to control his hormones and sexual urge before it turns viral. They can sex if they really want but not on this manner, how will he just open his naked eyes and start staring at her naked body?

What if he gets tempted and decide to pounce on her and sex her? What if she's not ready for sex right now? According to Rhett and Evelyn, she's a virgin and she knows no shit about sex and am sure that's the reason why she doesn't see anything wrong with exposing and goin naked.

Trying to get the towel on the bed without looking at the bed because if he do, then maybe his eyes will flick on her nakedness again.

Frowning confusedly when she saw the way Gavin was acting, "why are you acting weird?"

"Gotcha!" He sighed when his hand finally grabbed the towel. "Get ready for a catch" he threw it at her without looking.

Catching the towel, Amber wrapped it round her chest.

"Are you done?"

"Done? As ho–

"Have you tied the towel?"

Nodding her head, "Yes I have"

Turning towards her, he saw her tied the towel on her chest. "Always remember to take a towel along with you whenever you want to bath, okay?"

"Okay I will but why were you hiding your face from me" Amber chuckled.

"Because I don't want to get tempted and jump on you"

Frowning confusedly, "tempted and jump on me?" How?"

With his eyes not leaving his phone, he said, "señora, we are humans and what flows inside of us is blood and not water, you can't expect all guys to control their sexual urges after seeing a woman stripped naked right before their eyes."