My woman

"You don't have to be, you're already famous and popular nationwide. You've gone viral, Rhett, Evelyn, Derek, Miranda, Tyson, Lia, Elliot, Lizzie and everyone at the company has read your magazine. Just prepare to appear on TV shows any moment from now"

When Amber did not say anything, he added, Evelyn, Lia and Miranda are engaged"

Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, Amber quickly turned around to face him. "Are you serious?" When Gavin nodded his head with a smiling face, she shouted, "aaaah! Oh my God am so happy for them, it's like a plan work, WOW congratulations to them, I'll give them a call later but right now let's celebrate my victory and–

"Amber AKA Amy Rockie the rockstar" Jaxon approached them.

Crossing his hands on Amber's shoulders, Gavin pulled her closer to himself with a frowning face. "Yes? How may we help you"

Giving a sly smile, Jaxon placed his hands in his pockets, "Gavin am not talking to you"

"And do you think I have your time, let alone standing here to talk with you?" Gavin shouted.

Helplessly shaking his head, Jaxon rubbed his jaw with his hand, letting out a sly smile, "Keep it down, we don't have business with each other,  am here to s–

Frowning deeper and deeper, Gavin narrowed his eyes, "My woman is tired and exhausted right now, she's not in the mood to see anyone, okay? Now if you don't mind, get lost!"

Raising his eyebrows, he crossed his hands in his front, "oh wow, you're woman?" Turning towards Amber who was tightening her grip around Gavin's arm. He added, "he is your boyfriend?

When Amber did not answer, he chuckled and said, "well it's not new to me because I just read it on your magazine."

Sticking her tongue out, Amber chuckled, "you're just a buffalo, infact a buffalo is more handsome than you. You're a kangaroo that jump from one woman to another"

Clenching his hands into a fist, Jaxon gritted his teeths, "Amber am controlling my anger because of Gavin, I don't want to make a scene so you better shut your fuckin little mouth up n–

"Hey hey hey, Jaxon don't even dare, don't you dare talk to my woman like that, okay? Stay your limits and let us be! Am calming down the urge of punching you so don't provoke me"

"Provoke you? Gavin you are holding my woman, my longtime classmate, my first date and–

"Hey!" Pointing a finger at Jaxon, Gavin shouted, "watch your words, watch it! My woman is not your woman so you better mind your words and mind how you talk to my woman!"

"Damn! Are you dragging my first love sight from me?" Turning towards Amber, he added, "will you tell him t–

"Shut up and get lost! Get lost into thin air I don't care to know, just get lost! Am not your girlfriend neither am I your first love sight! Let me be and let my boyfriend be too!" Amber retorted angrily.