Retired prostitute

Placing her hand on Tasha's shoulders, Lizzie chuckled, "that's a nice one mom, am also Amy's biggest and top one fan" pausing for a while, she added, "and guess what? Amy Rockie is coming to my wedding too"

Widening her eyes in shock, Tasha squealed, "are you serious?"

"Uh huh"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Oh my God, I can't wait to get her autograph, I am dieing to smell her cologne and perfume, am dieing to shook her hands, am dieing to hug her" Tasha shouted excitedly.

Giving her a sweet smile, Lizzie chuckled, "it's alright mom you'll get the chance to do all of that when you see her"

"But how? The last time I saw her at the airport, I wanted to get her autograph but I couldn't because of the too many crowd dieing to have her autograph"

"You'll get a chance to see her personal this time. Trust me when I say so, okay? It'll be so easy because her boyfriend is Elliot's best friend and also my boss."

Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, Tasha gasped, "Huh? Gavin Warren is her boyfriend?" When Lizzie nodded her head, she added, "whoa, I know the internet and social medias don't tell lies sometimes"

"Hahahahahahaha, Mom you're super funny, of course the internet is always right when it broadcast things on Wikipedia and Google."

"You still don't know how 'double-excited' I am right now, the country's famous and number 1 celebrity rockstar Amy Rockie is goin to show up at my son's wedding, what a big privilege and honor!" Tasha squealed.

Taking a deep breath, Lizzie sighed with a smiling face and said, "Mom don't get to excited or else your ribs are gonna hurt"

"So when does too much excitement hurt the ribs? Hmm?"

"Hmm let's assume am a medicinal scientist after all" Lizzie chuckled.

"Ms medicinal scientist please teach me more and tell me how you became a medicinal scientist overnight" Tasha chuckled.


Derek's apartment

Running down the stairs, Derek shouted, "Mom you better let Miranda live in peace, let my fiancee live in peace Mom, am tired of you bugging her all the time!"

"I don't like Mira and there's no fuckin way am goin to watch you get married to that piece of trash!" Jasmine shouted.

Placing his hands on his hips, Derek narrowed his eyes at her, "you don't want me to get married to the woman I love? Fine! Go on and stop me if you can!"

Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, jasmine said, "are you talking back at me? Derek are you actually raising your voice at me? You think if I really wanna end that so called wedding of yours, I can't do it?"

Running his hands on his face, Derek took a deep breath and sighed, "Mom why can't you just admit the fact that I love Mira? Why can't you? Huh? Is it now a crime for someone to love someone?"

"No Derek, it's not a crime to love someone but it's a shame, disgrace and error to marry a retired prostitute, a formal club stripper that seduce men for money!" Jasmine shouted.

Jasmine is right, Miranda was a formal club stripper, she is an orphan who barely feed once in a day. At the age of 16 she started goin to club houses to strip and seduce men old enough to be her father just for money.