Building arrangements

"Yes mom but Gavin don't want me to spend a dime of my own money, he wants to be the one in charge of the expenses, I have no idea why he's doing that. He even brought me a brand new phone that worth and cost a lot, I wanted to buy it myself but he insisted I save my money and then he bought it for me instead."

Placing her hand on her chest, Ingrid smiled, "he is such a nice and caring man"

"So what's up with the building arrangements? I mean have you gotten any building patterns concerning how you want your mansion to look like?" Evelyn inquired.

"Yes I have and Gavin is still checking for more, he has a friend whom is a renowned architect, he is goin to bring more building structures and patterns for me to check and make selection of my choice" Amber replied.

"Hmm, nice one" Evelyn said.

Glancing at her watch, Ingrid said, "Amber is time for your afternoon medicines and eyedrop"

Groaning in frustration, Amber said, "Ugh, Mom can I take them later"

Getting up from the couch, "no honey, you're taking them now, remember what Gavin said, I don't want him to go angry, okay? So just relax while I get you the medicines.



Sipping the cold coffee, Lisa sighed, "so who's this girl you're talking bout?"

Stirring her coffee with the straw, Stacey gritted her teeths and frowned annoyingly, "Amy Rockie"

Lisa who was about to take another sip from her cold coffee, stopped midway when she heard Stacey mentioned 'Amy Rockie'.

With her eyes and mouth widen in shock, she said, "Amy Rockie? Are you talking bout Rockstar Amy?"

Rolling her eyes, Stacey flinged her hair backwards and groan annoyingly. "Yeah whatever"

"Stacey that's my favorite artist, damn I love her rock songs, infact I have majority of her freestyles right here in my phone. Am her number 1 fan and i also heard that umm–  slapping her head, trying to remember something, she snapped her fingers when she finally remembered. "Ahh you know Elliot? Elliot Sumner?"

"Yeah and what about him?"

"Damn his wedding is this weekend"

"And so? How's that my business?"

"Huh? Your business you say? Come on girl, you should have heard the news too"

"The news that what?"

"Amy Rockie is coming for Elliot's wedding this weekend"

Widening her eyes in shock, "huh? Are you kidding me? Is that bitch coming?"

"Uh uh, no no first she's not a bitch, she's my favorite artist and am her biggest fan, then second, yes she's coming to perform in Elliot's wedding and I heard it's gonna be a blast"

Shrugging her shoulders, Stacey smirked her lips, "hmm this is an easy way to deal with someone who tries to snatch something from another person"

"Uh uh uh Stacey am not asking you to make a scene at someone's wedding so you better respect yourself"

"Am not goin to make a scene but am goin to keep my plans in my head."